In the article it tells us that research by two scientists, Turi King and Mark Jobling have shown that some men in Yorkshire have a genetic link to African Tribes going back centuries.
It then goes onto tell us therefore that:
"...... showed that Britain has always been composed of a mosaic of different people.
Professor Jobling echoed this view: "This study shows that what it means to be British is complicated and always has been," he said.
"Human migration history is clearly very complex, particularly for an island nation such as ours, and this study further debunks the idea that there are simple and distinct populations or 'races'."

What a blatant attempt to continue this "Britain is a nation of immigrants" crap. This is a further attack on the British identity, a concerted effort to justify the MASS immigration into this country and the continued displacement of the indigenous population from huge swathes of this country.
Well you know what, I consider this to be a non swearing block otherwise I would be saying to the two scientist, f$£% you and %'##k your research. Next they will be telling us that people who lived here in 1066 or whenever did not procreate and produce children who then lived on and did the same down the years, perhaps they will show us that each generation was supplemented with economic migrants to make up the numbers.

I've had enough of this crap. You go along with legislation that is put in place to ensure that there is integration, you try to understand the curtailing of free speech to allow for multiculturalism, but we are beyond that now. This country is no longer about multiculturalism, it is no longer about integration, it is about the wholesale destruction of British identity.
Also on the BBC news site is the discussion about teaching children what it is to be British, just like you teach French or History. How dare they. How dare they treat the generations of people who have called this Island home as if all our traditions, culture, achievements and way of life is something to be learnt on a wet afternoon in April.

I am white, I am British, my parents are, their parents were, their grand parents were, and theirs before them etc. I am sick and tired of all this crap about what it is to be British, to me if you have to ask the question!
I do not nor would ever condone verbal attacks on other ethnic groups or other nationalities and I damn sure won't accept it when it is aimed at me.
The sooner that this Government with it's anti-white and anti-British policies is voted out the better.
Something I made to fit the findings I wanted
Wooo, a bit emotional for you mate!
Yes I know, but sometimes the bastards just go too far. One thing to give our country away but another to piss on us and say it's raining. Sorry, wouldn't normally swear but some days one has just had enough. Roll on May elections and generals in due course. Still not convinced this country will ever see fair and free elections in my life time. Watch this space!
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