Thanks to Nobby for drawing my attention to the article in the guardian about the persecution of ballerina Simone Clarke. I know this has been covered on a number of blogs but I just wanted to add my own personal view.
Support them or hate them, the BNP is a legal political party in this country. Their members have a point of view that does not contravene the law and they have every right to put forward their own agenda within these confines.
Up and down the country there are groups representing minorities, including some groups that are outlawed in other more civilised countries due to their links to terrorism. These groups are not hounded out of their jobs, indeed many are given our tax money in the form of grants. I disagree with the point of view of any number of these groups, but that does not give me the right to call for them to be sacked.
Recent opinion shows that the BNP can expect to poll up to 7% of the vote, and that is even with out all the appallingly biased reporting against them. That's a lot of people who have decided that they believe their own eyes when it comes to what is happening in this country, rather than the drivel they read and see in the main stream media.
Contrary to what the Labour MP and other members of the Racial "equality" people have said, Miss Clarke has never previously used her position to put forward the BNP agenda. Indeed it was the very same rag that glorifies in reporting her continued harassment that broke the news of her membership.
As we enter 2007, there appears to be no pretence of a free and fair society in this country, we are now overtaken by the likes of Mr Cruddas and the the so called equality councils that want us all to be equal, but some more equal than others!
No other party has to put up with the continued slander and libellous statements made against it. The continued venom spat out at the BNP is an embarrassment to this country and an affront to free speech. It does not do any of the three main parties any credit to behave in this manner and certainly affects the way I and many of the people I know view them.
Well I for one say to Mr Cruddas and all the main parties and media, produce a list of all the criminal activity and thuggish behaviour perpetrated by the BNP so that we may compare and contrast it with the membership of the three main parties. List the atrocities they have perpetrated, give us facts and figures, let us see for ourselves the heinous acts they are guilty of. Prove people like Simone Clarke and her fellow members wrong, once and for all.
Today is the first day of the new year, I think the time has come to put up or shut up.
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