Friday, January 19, 2007

The Roman Empire is gone.

Do Nu Labour not realise that the Roman Empire is over, or do you think they all sat back recently to watch the re-showing of The Running Man with Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Gordon's latest priority is to support England to host and win the football World Cup in 2018.

Firstly the fact that a Scot is supporting England in this matter has not gone down to well up there, but Mr Brown also said in a statement:

"My ideal scenario is that Scotland play England in the final and Scotland win. But if we don't qualify, or we go out in an earlier round, then I would transfer my allegiance to the other home nation, England."

Hmm, upset the Scottish, unimpress the English and IGNORE the Welsh!

Mr Brown is understood to view a successful World Cup bid as the sort of publicity coup which Mr Blair has enjoyed following London's success in landing the 2012 Olympics.

It's like Cool Brittania all over again.

Never mind the fact that the economy is facing melt down, the prisons are full, crime is rampant, "real" unemployment is at it's highest ever, sectors of society are plotting to overthrow the nation - Gordon Brown will give us the games.



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