The Big Brother race row could have repercussions for the UK's tourist trade, a Visit Britain official has said.
Bernard Donoghue, Head of Government and Public Affairs at the national tourism agency, said visitors from India were worth £226 million to the UK economy.
He told GMTV's Sunday Programme: "Our brand of Britain is universally seen around the world as welcoming, friendly, tolerant, accepting and inviting."
Mr Donoghue said he was confident the problem could be managed by promoting events such as the "Bollywood Oscars", being held in Yorkshire later this year.
He said: "That's a fantastic opportunity to prove how we celebrate Bollywood in a way that maybe Channel 4 has not done this week."
Look I know the man has a job to do, but what the hell is he talking about?

Anyone who stays away as a result of comments by one or more individual on a trash TV programme would only be demonstrating their own bigotry and ignorance.
Fortunately not every nation in the world has been overrun with the self loathing and hypocrisy that appears to have taken firm root in this one, and so most people are far too sensible to pay any attention to this media contrived nonsense.
Big Brother race row 'could hit tourism'
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