Friday, January 19, 2007

Big Brother vs Undercover Mosque

Whilst I try to avoid the idea of conspiracy theories in principle, I also agree with the idea that just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you.

We really do live in very strange times.

Several z list "celebrities" make some supposedly "racist" comments in a programme that is edited before being aired, where we have no real idea about what is said to the contestants when the camera is not on them, and for all we know could be scripted! What happens?

All the papers in this country, including the ones that once upon a time would have known better, the television channels and even Parliament debate the issue.

There were over 800 - yes that's 800 people murdered in this country last year, where is the front page coverage of that, where is the big debate in Parliament about people who are actually dying?

And so too, the Dispatches programme in which people call for the overthrow of democracy in this country. According to our now draconian laws which have replaced free speech, and judging by the prosecution of the BNP two, clearly laws were broken, serious offences committed.

Where is the coverage of this?

And remember the "Jerry Springer" issue debate in Parliament? The one in which 40000 plus people complained about the airing of this musical? Although in fairness, it was only Christians who were complaining!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, 2007, you ain't seen nothing yet!

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