Monday, January 15, 2007

Brown keeps up in Hypocrisy stakes.

Not wishing to be outdone by other members of the cabinet in their recent attempts to scale new heights in hypocrisy, Chancellor Gordon Brown throws his hat into the ring with his manifesto for Britishness.

"Gordon Brown issues a stark warning today that the Union of England and Scotland is under threat 300 years after it created one of the world's most successful and enduring nations."

As with the education system that has caused Ruth Kelly to go Private, as with the Health Service that has caused Ivan Lewis, John Reid, Hazel Blears and Jacqui Smith to protest about possible closure in their respective constituencies, as with the Armed Services that Blair is now so concerned about - YOU and your Government put us in this situation.

The way he talks about it you would think that it has all happened on it's own and that he has now come along and said, oops let's all take a look at this and see if we can't sort it out together.

This Government has done more to destroy Britain than any other in history. With the arrival of millions and millions of immigrants in to this country the notion of being British has been rendered somewhat meaningless as there is no real sense of a British identity any more. As a result, under the current policy and the all encompassing influence of the EU, I don't really see how it matters anymore whether we are Britain, or England and Wales.
As for the money, any disparity between Scotland and England in terms of benefits etc, again, what does it matter, the money we pay into the EU already allows many other European Nations to benefit in ways that we are selves are not able to enjoy.

And as for Balkanisation Mr Brown, take a look around England, drive from town to town, city to city, trust me, a split between England and Scotland is the least of your problems.

Brown's manifesto for Britishness

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