Saturday, January 20, 2007


Taxi drivers refusing to pick up passengers with dogs or alcohol, Pharmacists refusing to dispense contraceptives, separate facilities at swimming pools and leisure centres, what next?

Well, apparently cigarettes!

A smoker was refused cigarettes at a Cambridge store because the Muslim shop assistant said it was against her religion to sell tobacco.

A customer at the WH Smith store said: "I asked for a pack of 20 Lambert & Butler and the woman behind the desk asked me if they were cigarettes.
"When I said they were she told me that it was against her religion to sell them - I couldn't believe my ears."

The interesting twist is that Asim Mumtaz, president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association in Cambridge, said: "I don't think there is any basis for refusing to sell cigarettes.
"Islam, like most religions, is against anything that injures health or the body, but there is no ban on cigarettes or on smoking.
"The Koran is quite specific about intoxicants, alcohol and other drugs which cause a person to lose control are forbidden, but cigarettes are not forbidden so I am surprised by this."

1 comment:

youdontknowme said...

If I couldn't sack her I would make her work on her holyday until she got the message.