Monday, January 29, 2007
Thank you and goodnight.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Read it or weep.
Take a recent example where Ken Livingstone criticised Jade Goody for making comments about Shipla Shetty which in fact were made by Shilpa Shetty about Jade Goody. Red Ken "knew" that Jade Goody was in the wrong because he was told so, and as this particular story had previously been covered in one of the papers Ken may read, also incorrectly, perhaps this is where the information came from.
Whilst there is always more than one point of view, I believe it behoves someone to at least take a proper look themselves before passing comment and if they feel unable to spend the time necessary then maybe they should make no comment.
Nu Labour, the main stream media and certain affiliated political organisations thrive on the fact that most people do not bother to read anything properly, and therefore they can manage public opinion with sound bites, half truths, innuendo and just plain lies.
Many blogs exist so that people may have the opportunity to see a different perspective on the news and indeed to be able to see the news that the MSM refuses to publish. Whilst everyone has their own agenda, most readers would at least like to think that the writer(s) had at least took the time to do the most basic of research.
If commenting on stories, articles issues and other people's blogs is to be taken seriously, one should at least be able to demonstrate that they have read more than the sidebar.
Lite blogging
Should be back to normal by the middle of next week.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
No room for justice
There is already a crime of corporate manslaughter, why not one for Government manslaughter?
It's a terrifyingly familiar story. Twice the courts had the chance to put drug addict Sean Francis behind bars for beating his girlfriend and threatening to kill her. Twice they let him walk free.
So what happened next? Less than 24 hours after his second release, it emerged yesterday, Francis stabbed Wendy Billing to death in front of their toddler son.
There'll be many more cases like that in the months ahead.
When Francis struck last September, magistrates and judges were already under intense pressure from the Home Office to ease prison overcrowding by granting bail and awarding non-custodial sentences.
Today Ministers have cranked up that pressure tenfold, with a panic-stricken letter to the courts urging them to set free all but the most serious criminals.
How could they so shamelessly neglect their duty to protect the public?
For years, Ministers have been warned of the desperate need for more prison places. Why, the Home Office's own statisticians predict we may need another 20,000 by 2011.
Even if Home Secretary John Reid gets round to providing all the 8,000 extra places he promises - and there's precious little sign of that - he'll still be more than 12,000 short.
Who knows how many more Wendy Billings will have to pay with their lives for the Government's abject failures?
Remember Tony Blair's promise, all those years ago, to be 'tough on crime'? Of all his empty pledges, it's turning out to be the emptiest of the lot
What it means to be British is complicated! (No it is not!)

In the article it tells us that research by two scientists, Turi King and Mark Jobling have shown that some men in Yorkshire have a genetic link to African Tribes going back centuries.
It then goes onto tell us therefore that:
"...... showed that Britain has always been composed of a mosaic of different people.
Professor Jobling echoed this view: "This study shows that what it means to be British is complicated and always has been," he said.
"Human migration history is clearly very complex, particularly for an island nation such as ours, and this study further debunks the idea that there are simple and distinct populations or 'races'."

What a blatant attempt to continue this "Britain is a nation of immigrants" crap. This is a further attack on the British identity, a concerted effort to justify the MASS immigration into this country and the continued displacement of the indigenous population from huge swathes of this country.
Well you know what, I consider this to be a non swearing block otherwise I would be saying to the two scientist, f$£% you and %'##k your research. Next they will be telling us that people who lived here in 1066 or whenever did not procreate and produce children who then lived on and did the same down the years, perhaps they will show us that each generation was supplemented with economic migrants to make up the numbers.

I've had enough of this crap. You go along with legislation that is put in place to ensure that there is integration, you try to understand the curtailing of free speech to allow for multiculturalism, but we are beyond that now. This country is no longer about multiculturalism, it is no longer about integration, it is about the wholesale destruction of British identity.
Also on the BBC news site is the discussion about teaching children what it is to be British, just like you teach French or History. How dare they. How dare they treat the generations of people who have called this Island home as if all our traditions, culture, achievements and way of life is something to be learnt on a wet afternoon in April.

I am white, I am British, my parents are, their parents were, their grand parents were, and theirs before them etc. I am sick and tired of all this crap about what it is to be British, to me if you have to ask the question!
I do not nor would ever condone verbal attacks on other ethnic groups or other nationalities and I damn sure won't accept it when it is aimed at me.
The sooner that this Government with it's anti-white and anti-British policies is voted out the better.
Something I made to fit the findings I wanted
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
BNP, UKIP, Socialism, Conservatism!
But, for those who would not now vote for UKIP even if hell froze over, there are other options, not least the British National Party. The problem here is that, although it is branded "extreme right-wing", it is in fact a far-left party. And while UKIP is capturing the disaffected right, BNP is Hoovering up votes from the disaffected old Labour left. In the heady days of the Thatcher revolution, these were the people - the "White van man" - who gravitated to the Conservatives and gave them 18 years of power.
Perversely, while the leaders of the main parties would all like to claim the mantle of Thatcher, the recipient of her now disillusioned support is Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP. Effectively, he is the true heir of Thatcherism.
EU Referendum link: The wilderness is getting rather crowded
Telegraph link: Cameron mocks the 'loonies and fruitcakes' of UKIP at his peril
Criminals to get free passes under Nu Labour

Desperate Ministers will beg judges to stop sending criminals to prisons - because they are full.
A letter will be sent to courts across the country admitting that jails are officially in crisis.
It pleads for only the most violent or dangerous criminals to be given a custodial sentence. Magistrates are also being asked to allow bail to all but the most serious crime suspects.
It urges that suspects such as burglars be bailed rather than remanded and follows on from Mr Reid's recent statement that taxpayers' money should not be 'squandered' on locking up or monitoring offenders who would be better punished in the community.
Ah, so as usual it is for our benefit that criminals will be allowed to act with impunity!
How many additional victims will be created due to the incompetence of this Government? Should all victims of crime be able to sue the Government for negligence when they are attacked by someone who should have been behind bars. No wonder the Government has no interest in mandatory sentencing when it needs to change the rules on a daily basis.
And when will the new prison places be available, just in time for the May elections perhaps?
And one final question, why the sudden massive explosion in the prison population, in the number of people awaiting trial and the number of people who would ordinarily have gone to prison if there had been room? Surely it's not down to, no wait, just let me move this elephant out of the way.
Britain under Nu Labour, criminals never had it so good.
Ministers beg judges - don't jail any more criminals!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
School faces court battle over veil ban
No point me commenting as there are already 81 comments and rising.
Sometimes you have just got to believe that the time is approaching when common sense will once again prevail.
School faces court battle over veil ban
BBC - Orwellian Newspeak claim.

"The BBC, which glories in being open-minded is, in fact, a closed thought-system, operating a kind of Orwellian newspeak," said Mr Dacre.
Mr Dacre, who was delivering the annual Hugh Cudlipp lecture at the London College of Communication, also stated that Mr Cameron should not take the Mail's support for granted at the next election.
"The Mail's a Conservative paper. It would be very surprising if we didn't support the Conservatives.
"Whether the present Conservative party is Conservative I don't know. We shall see," said Mr Dacre.
Could the Daily Mail be contemplating the unthinkable?
(yes I know there is also UKIP and the Greens!)
Mail editor slams 'Orwellian' BBC
Law 'threat' to Catholic adoption

The Equality Act is due to come into effect in April.
It outlaws discrimination in the provision of goods, facilities and services on the basis of sexual orientation in a similar way to rules on sex and race discrimination.
Although I do not support discrimination against any group in principle, I am totally against any organisation or legislation that prevents discrimination by discriminating against others
The problem with Nu Labours desire to outlaw discrimination in any form is that it has to discriminate in order to not discriminate! Now we have the example in which the Equality Act will place the rights of homosexuals not to be discriminated against above the right of Religious Groups to have the freedom of conscience and religion; in other words, everyone is equal in their right not to be discriminated against, but some are more equal than others.
The cardinal said the closure of the seven agencies would represent a wholly avoidable "tragedy".
Its agencies are said to handle 4% or about 200 of all adoptions a year but about a third of those children judged difficult to place.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Not fit for purpose 2
The Metropolitan Police are routinely issuing cautions to muggers, it was revealed today.
The force handed out 329 cautions for street robbery last year - even though the offence carries up to five years in prison.
Now according to the Home Office, a caution is 'a warning given to adults who admit they are guilty of first-time minor offences, such as vandalism or petty theft'.
So mugging doesn't really come into this category, nor does the 474 cautions given for burglary or the 617 for car theft, or the 1,477 for drug possession excluding cannabis, or the 5,216 for shoplifting, or the 5,955 for assault, excluding common assault.
A police spokeswoman said: "Every case is considered on an individual basis and the overriding factors are whether a caution is appropriate to the offence and the offender and whether a caution is likely to be effective in the circumstances.
"The aims of the caution are to deal quickly and simply with less serious offences, to divert offenders where appropriate from appearing in the criminal courts and to reduce the likelihood of re-offending."
Reduce the likelihood of re-offending! Who is she trying to kid, a caution for violent assault and burglary is no deterrent whatsoever.
The problem is that with the police unwilling to defend the law abiding citizen the temptation might be to fight back yourself. I bet if you do, you won't be let off with a caution.
Unfortunately as with more and more of Britain's institutions, the British Police Service is not fit for purpose.
Violent criminals escape prosecution
Sunday, January 21, 2007

No I'm not referring to the new series of the Channel Four comedy drama about the family from Manchester, rather another family who currently hail from London but who would certainly give the Gallaghers a run for their money.
The Human Rights Act, the modern day criminal and terrorists charter, does in fact appear to provide more than just a cover to prevent photographs of escaped prisoners being published, or terrorists and illegal immigrants from being deported.
And who better to exploit the provisions of her husbands, sorry, Her Majesty's Governments legislation than one of the top Human Rights Lawyers in the land.
"Cherie Blair accused Britain’s top civil servant of violating her human rights as he tried to rein in her fondness for freebies, it was claimed yesterday.
She left the Cabinet Secretary ‘gobsmacked’ by claiming she was entitled to cut-price designer clothes under the Human Rights Act.
And she repeatedly argued with officials over claims that she tried to exploit her position to make money. "
Although the revelations have been dismissed by a Downing Street spokesman as mostly untrue or widely exaggerated tittle-tattle, it does appear that as with most things Blair (or Nu Labour) there are more questions than answers.
"Among the clothes Mrs Blair is said to have acquired was a £10,000 red and gold brocade dress by Lindka Cierach which she wore to an awards ceremony in October 2003 and again at a dinner in Nigeria the following month.
When Sir Andrew criticised her over the discounts, she reportedly told him he was infringing her rights ‘under Article 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights on an individual’s right to do as they like with their own property’. "
In all the confusion over gifts, holidays and the like, it might be useful if extra assistance was made available on the day that the Blairs move out of No 10. After all, it might have only taken one removal truck to move them in, but who knows how many it will take to move them out?
Blair's right to freebies
Big Brother - the final word.
The Big Brother race row could have repercussions for the UK's tourist trade, a Visit Britain official has said.
Bernard Donoghue, Head of Government and Public Affairs at the national tourism agency, said visitors from India were worth £226 million to the UK economy.
He told GMTV's Sunday Programme: "Our brand of Britain is universally seen around the world as welcoming, friendly, tolerant, accepting and inviting."
Mr Donoghue said he was confident the problem could be managed by promoting events such as the "Bollywood Oscars", being held in Yorkshire later this year.
He said: "That's a fantastic opportunity to prove how we celebrate Bollywood in a way that maybe Channel 4 has not done this week."
Look I know the man has a job to do, but what the hell is he talking about?

Anyone who stays away as a result of comments by one or more individual on a trash TV programme would only be demonstrating their own bigotry and ignorance.
Fortunately not every nation in the world has been overrun with the self loathing and hypocrisy that appears to have taken firm root in this one, and so most people are far too sensible to pay any attention to this media contrived nonsense.
Big Brother race row 'could hit tourism'
Not fit for purpose!

So what about the police service, how about a serving police officer who is not able to touch half of all members of the public? Ridiculous, silly, that would never happen!
Well remember, this is Blair's (and Brown's) Britain, and here commonsense gives way all the time to political correctness and the appeasement of certain religions.
A muslim woman police officer has sparked a new debate by refusing to shake hands with Britain's most senior police chief for religious reasons.
The incident happened at a passing-out parade where Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair was inspecting a line-up of 200 recruits.
In addition to refusing a traditional congratulatory handshake from Sir Ian, the WPC - who wore a traditional Muslim hijab headscarf - also declined to be photographed with him as she did not want the picture used for 'propaganda purposes'.
The woman had earlier insisted that it was contrary to her religious teaching for her to touch a man.
Imagine another police officer on patrol who is attacked and calls upon this colleague to assist, what will be the response?
Is it not enough that we have police officers refusing to protect certain sectors of society due to their religious beliefs? It is completely outrageous.
Thousands of applications are turned down each year by young men and women who would love to be police officers, warts and all.
By all means recruit from minority groups if it will ensure an all inclusive police service, but one thing must be certain, the recruits themselves must be fit for purpose.
Unable to carry out my duties
EU police powers or police state?

"The EU faces a damaging split over moves led by Germany to impose a radical law and order package. If enacted into European legislation, it would allow armed police to operate with impunity outside their home countries, privatised armed 'sky marshals' on civilian flights and a wide range of joint operations against alleged illegal migrants."
"The plans are provoking opposition in Whitehall and among senior British police officers. Many of them recall how, in 1996, a Dutch parliamentary inquiry revealed that tonnes of illegal drugs had been exported from the Netherlands to Britain with the assistance of Dutch undercover agents, who had allowed informants to run amok.
'We have learnt the hard way how difficult it is to regulate undercover operations,' one source said, citing a series of high-profile Customs and Excise cases that collapsed in the Court of Appeal after irregularities came to light. 'We need to be extremely wary.'"
When I first read it I was of the opinion that it should be opposed at all costs, but when you consider that most of the law of this land is dictated by Europe, why not have a European police force. After all, detection rates in some police "service" areas are as high as 3%, could foreign police "forces" do any worse?
Mind you, the EU does not have a good reputation for the practical application of cooperation
For example, what was the response when Mr Reid faced the first crisis over prisons last year, and asked his European counterparts to accommodate some of their nationals currently in British jails? NO,NO,NO,NO,NO!
You see, when it comes to Europe it is always a one way street.
So why not let foreign armed police into Britain, let them make the news by either shootings in public or lots of high profile arrests, after all, when you consider that the majority of new applications to the Northern Ireland police service were from Polish Nationals, we're half way there already.
Of course, a radical alternative might be to consider the EU as a trade partnership instead of allowing it to continue imposing it's will on oppressed Nations who at no time voted for it, but then, that would be called democracy, and this is Great Britain after all!
EU faces split on police powers
Calls for Police Action after Dispatches expose.
Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, the head of the Muslim Parliament of Great Britain, called for imams and mosque leaders to be questioned amid claims that forces were reluctant to act.
He also expressed concern that a Muslim primary school teacher, secretly filmed while he delivered a diatribe against Jews, Christians and "filthy non-Muslim doctors", has been allowed to remain in his job.
Although I cannot recollect voting in the elections for the Muslim Parliament, (probably lost in the post) any public call for the law to be applied in an equitable way deserves nothing but praise.
Just a thought though, wouldn't it be really fantastic if the request for police action from the head of a faux parliament could be followed up by a request from the REAL PARLIAMENT OF GREAT BRITAIN! As I say, just a thought.
TV 'preachers of hate' escape police action
Union Support!
Whilst I was over at the Love Music, Hate Racism web site, I noticed comments from two union officials:
John F Smith, General Secretary, Musicians’ Union:
“Our official stance is that the MU deplores the BNP and everything it stands for. We are affiliated to anti racist organisations and we join with the TUC in openly condemning the BNP’s attempts to portray itself as part of mainstream UK politics. Whilst this person has a right to her own personal political views, I believe that the company, as a recipient of public funds, must act in order to maintain its position as a ‘flagship’ for equality and fairness in the arts, and to maintain credibility in the work that it does in the community. Quite how it acts is a matter for the ENB Board.”
Gerry Morrissey, deputy General Secretary, Bectu:
“Simone Clarke earns her living in the subsidised arts and with this goes certain responsibilities, with which she has failed to comply. She has brought our industry into disrepute.”
I really need not comment on what I think of the above but it is interesting to note that there finally appears to be some mature, democratic thinking from at least one union.
Union offers help to BNP ballerina
Equity has offered its assistance to the ballerina at the centre of protests about her membership of the British National Party.
Simone Clarke, an English National Ballet principal and Equity deputy who was revealed as being a BNP member in December, was greeted by placards outside her final performance of Giselle this month, with members of the anti-racist Unite Against Fascism group calling for the company to sack her and some protesters reported to have shouted out at Clarke mid-performance inside the London Coliseum.
This week, Equity has come out in support of the performer’s right to work. According to the union’s rule 3B (p) it “acknowledge[s] the right of individual members to hold and express their personal political and other beliefs both in their private and professional capacities”.
Equity spokesman Martin Brown added: “If ENB were to treat her unfairly, that is something we would expect to represent her for. The law forbids someone from being sacked for their legal political beliefs.
I find the final sentence to be very interesting:
The law forbids someone from being sacked for their legal political beliefs.
Funny how it does not seem to bother any other union or indeed all those politicians and high profile “celebrities" whose names are listed on the UAF website!
Give us the facts
The comment was by Sadiq Khan MP:
“The BNP now has 14 councillors in London, and have gained ground on the back of a rise in racism. In the recent, council elections, the BNP declared that this was a “referendum on Islam”, and they are dividing communities with vicious, racist lies.
It is vital that we tackle the BNP head on and start a united campaign now to stop them making further electoral gains in the 2008 Greater London Assembly elections – the work of Love Music, Hate Racism is vital in celebrating diversity, not extremism. We have to out the BNP for what they really stand for, build strong coalitions of support, and ensure that we involve all communities in a shared and inclusive notion of what it means to be British in the 21st century.”
Now, in any Democracy, such as the one we once lived in, it is up to everyone to have a say in what it was to be of that nation, i.e. in this context, British. No Democratic society should be allowed to marginalise elements of it's citizens because they may have a different idea of what it is to be of that nation. To deny them the opportunity to have a say is to act in a fascist manner, something that anti-nationalist groups seem to embrace far too easily.
Whether your support is for the BNP, UKIP, The Green Party, The National Front, The Conservatives, or even heaven help us Nu Labour, you have the duty to allow, and the right to hear the views of the other parties, providing that their content is legal.
Mr Sadiq Khan - ..... "they are dividing communities with vicious, racist lies."
Put up or shut up.
Nu Labour - Success at last!

Saturday, January 20, 2007
Well, apparently cigarettes!
A smoker was refused cigarettes at a Cambridge store because the Muslim shop assistant said it was against her religion to sell tobacco.
A customer at the WH Smith store said: "I asked for a pack of 20 Lambert & Butler and the woman behind the desk asked me if they were cigarettes.
"When I said they were she told me that it was against her religion to sell them - I couldn't believe my ears."
The interesting twist is that Asim Mumtaz, president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association in Cambridge, said: "I don't think there is any basis for refusing to sell cigarettes.
"Islam, like most religions, is against anything that injures health or the body, but there is no ban on cigarettes or on smoking.
"The Koran is quite specific about intoxicants, alcohol and other drugs which cause a person to lose control are forbidden, but cigarettes are not forbidden so I am surprised by this."
Friday, January 19, 2007
The Roman Empire is gone.
Gordon's latest priority is to support England to host and win the football World Cup in 2018.
Firstly the fact that a Scot is supporting England in this matter has not gone down to well up there, but Mr Brown also said in a statement:
"My ideal scenario is that Scotland play England in the final and Scotland win. But if we don't qualify, or we go out in an earlier round, then I would transfer my allegiance to the other home nation, England."
Hmm, upset the Scottish, unimpress the English and IGNORE the Welsh!
Mr Brown is understood to view a successful World Cup bid as the sort of publicity coup which Mr Blair has enjoyed following London's success in landing the 2012 Olympics.
It's like Cool Brittania all over again.
Never mind the fact that the economy is facing melt down, the prisons are full, crime is rampant, "real" unemployment is at it's highest ever, sectors of society are plotting to overthrow the nation - Gordon Brown will give us the games.
Big Brother vs Undercover Mosque
We really do live in very strange times.
Several z list "celebrities" make some supposedly "racist" comments in a programme that is edited before being aired, where we have no real idea about what is said to the contestants when the camera is not on them, and for all we know could be scripted! What happens?
All the papers in this country, including the ones that once upon a time would have known better, the television channels and even Parliament debate the issue.
There were over 800 - yes that's 800 people murdered in this country last year, where is the front page coverage of that, where is the big debate in Parliament about people who are actually dying?
And so too, the Dispatches programme in which people call for the overthrow of democracy in this country. According to our now draconian laws which have replaced free speech, and judging by the prosecution of the BNP two, clearly laws were broken, serious offences committed.
Where is the coverage of this?
And remember the "Jerry Springer" issue debate in Parliament? The one in which 40000 plus people complained about the airing of this musical? Although in fairness, it was only Christians who were complaining!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, 2007, you ain't seen nothing yet!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
What a shambles!
Well guess what, it isn't, in fact it's worse than ever.
On Tuesday, places could not be found for up to 300 criminals. Police stations and even court cells are having to be used to accommodate prisoners with no place else to go.
However, it does appear that there is a solution and perhaps it is this that the Home Secretary is relying on to sort out the problem.
You see, yet another convicted murderer has absconded from Leyhill Open Prison, in South Gloucestershire. The man absconded during a "work placement" at a vinegar factory on Thursday morning at 10:06 a.m..
This is the same prison that has on average one prisoner a week escaping.
Of those that have already escaped, 22 were murderers, five had convictions for manslaughter, 24 were drug dealers, 57 had been convicted of robbery, seven of rape and 125 had committed burglary.
So there you have it, wait another few weeks Mr Reid and there will be plenty of places available in Britain's leaky prison system. Oh, and whilst your at it, get on the phone and arrange for additional migrant workers to go to Gloucestershire.
After all, it appears that the local industry is really struggling to recruit people.
Prisons are full to bursting point in new blow to Reid
Murderer absconds during work placement
Big Brother and the word that dare not speak its name.
I must congratulate them on the current Celebrity edition, even those of us who have ceased to be amazed by the levels to which faux offence could descend could never have seen this one coming.
This absolute fixation on "racism" is pathetic. It is the same as everything under Nu Labour, class everything as an offence and that way no action need be taken against real offenders.
Undoubtedly racism will be a problem in any country that attempts to bring together such disparate groups of people as Britain has done, but the whole issue has been hijacked so that any banter between people of different ethnic groups could be interpreted as racism if that is what you wish to think. The people in the Big Brother house are paid "celebrities" it is a televison programme. If they don't like what is going on they can leave, it is entertainment.
Whilst I totally agree that bullying in any form in the real world is wrong, it must surely be looked at in this context. Any programme of this nature, including the likes of Ramsey's chef programmes, Bad Lad's army etc are full of bullying if that is how you wish to view them. And let's not forget, do away with your television, hand back your licence, sit back and get ready to find out what relentless bullying is all about!
Up and down the country people are beijng subjected to real violent attacks and assault, living in fear because of the daily circumstances in which they live but nothing is being done to help, nothing is being done to make their lives better.
3% detection rates on crime, 50% of criminals given a fine or warning and yet so many people turning their time and attention to people being offended. How many people like myself who have been the victim of a violent assault would be happy to trade that for some offensive behaviour instead?
No, I do not think that racism is not an issue, no, I do not think it shouldn't be taken seriously and no, I do not down play or under underestimate what a shocking affect it can have on individuals.
But that is the problem, racism is no longer about the individual it is now all about distance offence. If someone is offended, let them speak and let them have the right to take offence or not, but surely it is patronising in the extreme for others to take offence for them.
The irony is that the whole "offence agenda" is as usual driven by the sort of people that see the bad in everything. Having read a broad spectrum of comment regarding the Big Brother issue, those that condemn the actions of Jade Goody and her mother as racist tend to have one thing in common, they call them racists then follow it up by calling them thuggish, thick, stupid and repeat the phrase white trash.
Talk about offensive.
And this weeks winner is....... (warning - longish post, plenty of waffle!)
Looking at the previous blogs of the week on Central News, I hope I didn't make it in for similar reasons to Spicy Cauldron; that would be disappointing!
Central News is run by a supporter of the BNP and therefore if I was to follow current convention I would have to write some sort of disclaimer stating that whilst I support free speech, I do no want anyone to think I have any association with their heinous views and diabolical actions, etc. etc. yada yada yada!
Perhaps I could say that it is a shame that people are drawn to such a party by the BNP's ability to exploit tensions in areas of the country, perhaps I should decry the BNP stance on putting British people first, their views on immigration, Christianity or the fact they hate Jews!
But you see, to do any of that would be to speak the words of someone else or to repeat someone else’s views. I prefer to look at things myself, to make up my own mind having looked at things from all sides.
As I said in a previous post, I have always had a passing interest in politics but like most people the interest tended to focus mostly on interest rates, taxes and that sort of thing.Through the years I confess that at various times I have voted for all the main parties and indeed a few minor ones. The main criterion for my decision has always been the individual candidate regardless of which party they belong to. Obviously they will tend to have a certain outlook based on which party they represent, but there is many an excellent councillor or MP who do an extremely good job for their constituents despite the party they represent.
I work in the service sector and I meet lots of different people each week, old people, young people, people from various ethnic backgrounds and social groups, and we often have time for a chat over a cup of tea or coffee. Setting the world to rights is a favourite pastime for many people and the conversation always goes in the direction they choose, after all, the customer is always right.
Over a number of years I noticed that the topic of conversation started to change, from sports and the state of the health service, people started to talk about immigration, religion, law and order, lack of police and other currently hot topics. To start with it was in a matter of fact almost apologetic way, as if the failings in society are somehow everyone’s fault and we should all feel ashamed of ourselves.
More recently though, people tend to be a lot more open, concerns regarding Islamic terrorism, the force feeding of Halal meet to huge swathes of the population, children being taught all about every other religion in the world except Christianity, Mosques being built all over the place, lack of jobs for British workers, stupid EU regulation, lack of freedom of speech, Government snooping, to name but a few, have all come up.
Imagine that, British people so frustrated and ignored that rather than talk about the weather they would rather get their thoughts on all of the above off their chest to anyone who will listen.
On my favourites page I have a link to mediauk which has a link to all newspapers in this country. Once a week or so I spend a few hours looking at the local news in places up and down the land.
One thing that always strikes me is the difference between local news and national news. Traditionally one would expect the national news to cover the broader issues, take a look at the bigger picture and to offer more analysis of current events, whilst the local paper would cover school fetes and local rubbish collection times and that sort of thing.
That is certainly not the case anymore; local papers have become one of the only reliable sources of news, although there are some noticeable exceptions where they do not let the truth stand in the way of a good story.
Taking a look at a small cross section, one finds local problems caused due to overcrowding, immigration, violence between different cultural and ethnic groups, lack of local job prospects, breakdown of local services, increased violent crime, criticism of local police services and any number of other issues affecting people’s daily lives.
But where is the same attention to these issues from the National News Papers or the main television channels? The simple answer is that there is very little, and when there is it is always to play down the issues.
As a consequence, when incidents happen locally one may be forgiven for thinking that, because you don’t see the same thing happening in the national news, you are just unfortunate to be living in a problem area, and anyway things are not that bad.
Up and down the country people are living in local conditions that make them unhappy, and to add insult to injury they are made to feel that it is a local issue and therefore somehow it must be a local problem, and as they are local, somehow they must be part of the problem.
Keeping things on a local level makes it much easier to keep the problems under wrap. If it was clear that Eastern European immigration was putting British workers out of jobs up and down the country then God forbid, something might have to be done about it. But keep it local and it is easy to close down the argument by accusing locals of being xenophobic or racist and of exaggerating the issues, after all, if British workers weren’t so damned lazy we wouldn’t have to bring in this alternative workforce in the first place. In fact, it’s your own fault!
When the Religious and Racial Hatred Act was being debated I wrote to my local MP and asked what his party intended to do about the continued erosion of free speech. I pointed out that the situation was getting so bad that an increasing number of people would find themselves voting for the BNP as the only party that took the issue seriously. The response was rather patronising including the somewhat contradictory final statement:
“The Conservative party will continue to support all British Citizens regardless of their origins. I must point out that the BNP is a thoroughly nasty racist party, several of whose leading members have been convicted of criminal offences. No decent person should contemplate supporting them.”
To take this at face value I would be forced to believe that the BNP is full of degenerates and thugs, the sort of people who would think nothing of violent confrontations, hounding people out of their jobs, accepting bribes, deception and any number of other offences.
On the other hand, if one takes a slightly more considered approach, one could easily put together a list of several leading members of the Conservative party who have actually been to prison, and various blogs have lists of Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat Councillors, party members and the like, with convictions ranging from GBH and murder, through to embezzlement, sexual assault, corruption and voting fraud.
Then there are the recent demonstrations by United Against Fascism in which they protest against people whose political views they do not like by trying to have them removed from their job. They site the justification that the people who they are protesting against would take away other peoples jobs if they had the chance. This group and others like it are supported personally and financially by members of the three main parties.
Every business has its share of “bad eggs”, every supporters group, every religion, every political party, every organisation that incorporates a substantial number of people will end up with people that you could do with out, people that cause embarrassment and have a potential to undermine the success of that particular movement.
But you shouldn't engage with the BNP because they are racist and have a racist agenda in which they favour indigenous white British people!
This is where I am the most confused. How is that in any way different from having a Black Police Association, Asian Police Association, or any of the other hundreds of "Associations" set up to further the rights and ambitions of specific sectors of society. After all, success for a lot of these Associations must come at the expense of someone else. If they feel they are under funded, under resourced, under represented etc, this can only be addressed by removing funding or resources from elsewhere, or in the case of promotion and representation, hold other groups back.
I read today that it is totally wrong to discriminate against someone because of their colour as they are born that way, but the same commentator argued that it was not so bad to criticise Polish people for coming to Britain on the grounds that it is not racist because they are white too. But surely the reason some people do not want Polish people coming over here in the thousands is for the same reason they do not want thousands of people from Africa or Asia. It is nothing to do with colour, it is because an influx of too many people from a differing culture causes a dilution and potential undermining of one’s own. But to protest against Eastern European may be anti-EU or xenophobic, protest against African and Asian immigration and you are a nasty racist.
I have been the victim of racial abuse on a number of occasions, fortunately only verbal. Did I find it upsetting, yes I did, but no more so than any other daily random offensive behaviour aimed at me as I go about daily life in this country.
The last occasion was when a young man and his friends had stopped their car in the middle of the road to have a conversation with some others on the side of the road. I couldn’t get passed so having waited patiently for a minute or so I beeped my horn gently as most people would do. I was met with a torrent of abuse with several phrases calling into question my parentage in the context of being white, told that this particular area belonged to their ethnic grouping and people like me were not welcome there. Under today’s legislation and hysteria surrounding “racism” this could be seen as a very serious offence, and if it were not for the one sided application of the law, the youths may have been facing custodial sentences such as those already passed on several white defendants.
However, I remember when I used to drive to work through Broughton and up to Middleton when I was younger. White kids would stand in the middle of the road and threaten you if you asked them to move, I had my car window broken whilst sat at the traffic lights because someone wanted the packet of cigarettes on the passenger seat. The same sort of incident happens all the time up and down the country.
So is it racist behaviour when you offend someone of a different ethnic group to your own, or is it just offensive?
I have posted on lots of other Blogs, often on anti-BNP sites filled with the same vicious canards and always ask the same thing, give us the details. If the BNP is filled with the vile people you say it is, name them along with their crimes and publicly declared statements against humanity.
To date, all I have seen has been a failed attempt to convict two Senior Members of their party by introducing legislation that makes it an offence now, to say things it would have been ok to say a few years ago, whilst at the same time refusing to take action against other groups of people who have made similar remarks which have included specific threats against this nation.
Oh, there’s also a minibus driver who lost his job; his crime? Well if he drives the bus, other people may not like it and so THEY might attack the vehicle thereby endangering him and his fellow occupants.
And don’t forget the other high profile racist, thuggish, thoroughly nasty member of the BNP party and the serious criminal activities she is involved in? Well in fact, she isn't actually involved in anything criminal (unless you really dislike ballet); in fact she hasn't actually harmed anyone nor done anything wrong. But what she is guilty of is being a member of the BNP, that’s it, nothing else.
Politics is a funny game, one year you can vote for Nu Labour and elect a conservative Government and the next time you vote for Nu Labour you get a communist Government. Vote Conservative one time and that’s what you’ll get, next time round, vote Conservative and you’ll get a socialist Government.
A free democratic society is one in which all people are allowed to have a voice, regardless of whether you like what they have to say.
If the BNP is as described than we have nothing to fear because they will never be acceptable to the majority of British people and therefore we should listen to what they have to say and engage in debate on every occasion.
Debate is the way forward, stop the personal attacks and slanderous statements, give them enough rope and they will hang themselves; or will they? Who knows, a vote for the BNP in the future could in fact be a vote for conservatism.
In my younger days I used to be an avid reader of the fantastic 2000 AD comic. I remember one story in an episode of Judge Dredd in which a member of the public is being stoned before Judge Dredd intervenes and saves him. Everyone there is rounded up and interviewed at the section house as follows (condensed):
Dredd: You! What were you stoning him for?
Person 1: I-I don’t know sir
Dredd: What do you mean; you’re bouncing rocks off some poor sap’s skull and you don’t know why?
Person 1: I-I heard something … He did somethin’ or somethin’
Dredd: Do any of you know why you did this?
Person 2: Rover Johnson had it comin’! He was a bad guy. He’d done bad things.
Dredd: What bad things?
Person 2 I dunno .. There were rumours. The whole block knew.
Dredd: Knew what creep?
Person 2: You know – Rover Johnson had it comin’!
Dredd: So when did you first hear there was going to be a stoning?
Person 3: Yesterday morning, down in the Gossiperia. I figured, Well, I’m not doin’ anything tomorrow, might as well go along…
Person 4: No I didn’t know Rover Johnson personally, but I did hear some pretty unpleasant things!
Dredd: Be specific
Person 4: Well, there was … He… I … I’m not sure, really. Rumours – and not very nice ones!
So, do I support the BNP, well call me old fashioned but that is my business.
Should you support the BNP, well clearly, that is your business.
Central News
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Dispatches - Undercover Mosque
The obvious question that the programme does raise is whether or not the Police, Prosecution Service and Government will carry out an immediate investigation followed by criminal proceedings in the same way as they did in the case of the BNP leader.
Having followed the trial of Nick Griffin, and heard some of the comments on last nights programme, there is more than enough evidence to press charges. Even those who felt that it was correct to prosecute Nick Griffin for his comments at a private meeting must agree that his comments and those of his co-defendant were nothing compared to what was seen last night.
"An army of Muslims will arise," predicts one preacher. Another said British Muslims must dismantle British democracy, they must live like a state within a state until they are strong enough to take over.
That's our country they are talking about Mr Blair, when are you going to do something about it?
UPDATE: It appears that Nick Griffin has written a letter to the Chief Constable of West Midlands Police, it will be interesting to see if anything comes of it.
Nick Griffin has written the following letter to the Chief Constable of West Midlands Police:
Respect the Civil Service!
It's not a paper that appeals to me because it appears to be written by, and for, people who live in a different society to me and pretty much everyone else I know (sorry Dad).
My attention was drawn (thanks once again Nobby) to a comment piece by Richard Wilson (Lord Wilson of Dinton was Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service from 1998 to 2002).
Lord Wilson explains that the:
"The Service has done its best to change while remaining true to its traditional values of integrity, selection on merit and political impartiality. Work by Mori shows that over the past two decades, when trust in most professions has not changed, there has been a noticeable rise in trust in civil servants."
"Hordes of visitors come from overseas to learn how we do it."
Who is he trying to kid? And what about his assertion that the Civil Service is now smaller than in the 1970s.
Having read the article in full, I was at least pleased to see that he has the good grace to finish on a joke:
"Civil Service reform is important, but it needs to be accompanied by a hard look at the role of central government. As Gordon Brown has said: ''The British way is to break up centralised institutions that are too remote and insensitive and so devolve power." We live in hope."
As another famous Richard Wilson might put it, "I don't believe it."
Rebuilding trust in civil servants
Immigration 'out of control and harming our culture'
"Exclusively revealed by the Yorkshire Post, the YouGov poll of more than 1,000 people across the region shows that politicians have lost voters' trust on immigration and an overwhelming number believe the recent rush of foreigners is having a detrimental effect on our already overcrowded country"
"An alarming 72 per cent of the 1,225 people surveyed think Britain is losing its identity, while 72 per cent believe current levels of immigration are making community relations more difficult.The poll comes a week after the Yorkshire Post revealed more than 35,860 immigrants had been given national insurance numbers to work in the region in 12 months, with the largest number coming from Poland."
"The YouGov poll found only 24 per cent agree the recent arrival of immigrants from Eastern Europe has helped Britain's economy to grow"
Immigration 'out of control and harming our culture'
Undercover Mosque
I expect that arrests will soon follow with prosecutions in due course.
After all, the same people who maliciously prosecuted Nick griffin for his statements on Islam can't allow Channel Four to getaway with presenting Islam in such a bad light!
Monday, January 15, 2007
More Nu Labour Success!
More than 600,000 offenders last year were dealt with without even being brought before a court. They escaped with cautions, official warnings or on-the-spot fines.
The report by the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies at King's College, London makes grim reading with murders increasing over the lifetime of this Government by more than a third from 600 in 1997 to 820 last year, violent crime up along with increases in all areas of criminal activity.
This report comes out at a time when the Government is spending so much money on adverts trying to scare people away from benefit fraud. No ifs, no buts, you may find yourself with an interview under caution and a criminal record.
5 years for murder, open prison, home visits, a fine for committing 980 shop lifting offences, 3 months for GBH, a caution for sexual assault, prisons full, Government sleaze, foreign criminals at large, no criminal record check before entering the country, human rights for criminals, householders not allowed to defend themselves, Cash for questions, loans for peerages ...............
With just about everything in this country becoming a crime, from 1 mile an hour over the speed limit, rubbish in the wrong bin, not seating 12 year old children on booster seats, through to revving your engine in a racist manner, and fox hunting, it's no wonder that crime is on the increase, the law has become a joke.
The penalty for continually stealing from your local shop is less than that awarded for disposing of your rubbish in the wrong bin. The jail time for "offending "someone is likely to be four times longer than if you assault them.
Still, with real unemployment in this country running at its highest for decades, perhaps it is appropriate that one particular trade should see such a marked increase, after all, this Government is definitely leading by example.
Half of criminals get off with a warning or a fine
Brown keeps up in Hypocrisy stakes.
"Gordon Brown issues a stark warning today that the Union of England and Scotland is under threat 300 years after it created one of the world's most successful and enduring nations."
As with the education system that has caused Ruth Kelly to go Private, as with the Health Service that has caused Ivan Lewis, John Reid, Hazel Blears and Jacqui Smith to protest about possible closure in their respective constituencies, as with the Armed Services that Blair is now so concerned about - YOU and your Government put us in this situation.
The way he talks about it you would think that it has all happened on it's own and that he has now come along and said, oops let's all take a look at this and see if we can't sort it out together.
This Government has done more to destroy Britain than any other in history. With the arrival of millions and millions of immigrants in to this country the notion of being British has been rendered somewhat meaningless as there is no real sense of a British identity any more. As a result, under the current policy and the all encompassing influence of the EU, I don't really see how it matters anymore whether we are Britain, or England and Wales.
As for the money, any disparity between Scotland and England in terms of benefits etc, again, what does it matter, the money we pay into the EU already allows many other European Nations to benefit in ways that we are selves are not able to enjoy.
And as for Balkanisation Mr Brown, take a look around England, drive from town to town, city to city, trust me, a split between England and Scotland is the least of your problems.
Brown's manifesto for Britishness
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Major Political Parties support formation of Fascist British State.
Let's be clear, all the people listed on the contradictorily named "Unite Against Fascism" website appear to believe that anyone who is a member of a political party with views they do not like should have their job taken away from them.
Having been a lifelong supporter of one of the main parties I have to say that I am totally disgusted by their recent and current behaviour.
Seeing the cross section of people supporting this despicable action proves once and for all that the only difference between the three main parties is personalities. All three parties appear to have abandoned any pretence of free speech and the notion of democracy in favour of silencing critics who do not share their views.
It is also worth noting that the Chairman of the Black Police Officers Association is also in favour of this action, thereby rendering the quaint notion of an impartial police service null and void. Interestingly enough, there does not appear to be a representative of the White Police Officer's Association as a member, presumably this would be considered by some at the UAF to be too radical a step in the cause of freedom and equality.
The UAF tries to justify their behaviour by saying they are trying to prevent a political party gaining enough support so that it can carry out the sort of actions that the UAF themselves are engaged in.
To the best of my knowledge to date, their is no evidence to back up any of the assertions that members of the BNP are thugs, criminals (any more than members of the three main parties at least), or that they stir up racial hatred or distribute literature that has that objective. The current legislation in this country with regard to free expression is now so strict that one supposes were any BNP literature to contravene these repressive laws, immediate incarceration would follow.
The conclusion, however regrettable, seems to be that the BNP literature is telling the truth, and that it is this truth that the members and supporters of the main parties and the UAF do not wish us to hear.
Indeed, as time goes on, it is becoming clear that a lot of the information the BNP do provide is correct, and has been held back from the public by the usual suspects.
Action by the UAF and support offered by high profile politicians only provides further evidence of this countries complete slide from a democracy to a totalitarian state.
Anyone on the list with an ounce of decency or the tiniest desire to save this country from totalitarianism should stand up and say that the action being taken is wrong, wrong. wrong.
UAF supporters include:
Monday 15th January 2007 - Channel 4 8:00 p.m.
"Chilling undercover investigation into the influence of Saudi Arabian religious extremism throughout the UK. Despite being considered Britain's principal ally in the Middle East, this disturbing report reveals Saudi Arabian Islam - Wahabism - is spreading a message of bigotry and hatred to a section of Muslims and predicting an imminent jihad. An undercover reporter joins Islamic worshippers and captures some of the alarming sermons being delivered by Saudi-trained preachers in British mosques."
(Radio Times)
Trailer suggests that it will be quite informative, but it is Channel 4 so I will keep an open mind.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Exam Grade Inflation out of control under Nu Labour
The number of A grades at A-level and top honours degrees has soared more than 50 per cent since 1997."
How could anyone be surprised, it's another measure of the success this Government has brought to this country. Not enough people succeeding, move the goalposts - NHS failing, change the measures that are reported against - unemployment too high, disqualify some groups from the statistics.
"The Government-backed review of the degree classifications system, headed by Leicester University vice-chancellor Bob Burgess, is expected to report on a possible alternative later in the year.
Widespread disagreement among university bosses has delayed its conclusions but it is expected to recommend a new system based on a simple pass/fail grade.
This would be backed by a detailed transcript of students' achievement.
The review has already concluded the ancient system is "unfit for purpose". "
Government-backed review! Unfit for purpose!
Say no more.
Scale of grade inflation laid bare as 50 per cent of students gain top honours
Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy.
First he presides over the effective dismantling of the Armed Services as a serious fighting force, and now when things have gone too far he starts a debate on what kind of Armed Forces we all want.
Get it, we're all in it together now, nothing to do with us Guvnor, we've only been in power for a decade.
The problem is Tony, we've seen it all before. Perhaps we could have the "Big Arms Convention" in which you ask along carefully preselected cross sections of people who totally agree with everything you say. Or perhaps you could form a consultative committee to advise on what sort of service we want, made up of "the right people".
You wrecked the Armed Services the same way that you have wrecked the whole country, fix the problems, don't fix them, whatever we think, your going to do what you want anyway.
But I for one will remember it was you who chose to reduce funding to such an extent that huge parts of the Forces have had to been mothballed, it is you that have deprived our troops of the equipment that desperately need.
You are the Prime Minister, you bloody hypocrite.
Scrap the BBC.
British BROADCASTING Corporation?
BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation?
It doesn't matter which way I look at it, it doesn't get any better.
Ballerina comes under attack by facist thugs.
Simone Clarke has come under attack from protesters outside the venue in which she is to perform.
After having her privacy invaded by the Hacks at the Guardian, we now have the spectacle of "Unite against Fascism " representatives demonstrating the values of our modern day democracy.
In Nu Britain under Nu Labour it is now seen as offensive to hold any views that conflict with the state view and anyone who dares to challenge this view should be hounded from their job and treated worse than any criminal. What could possibly define fascism more than this?
Words fail me other than to say to the Unite against fascism people, look up the word in the dictionary whilst holding up a mirror .........
Anti-individualistic, the fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State, which stands for the conscience and the universal will of man as a historic entity. ... The fascist conception of the State is all-embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. ...
Monday, January 08, 2007
Do as I Say but .......
No in fact it's worse than that. This Government is not saying that caring parents shouldn't have the best possible opportunities for their children, they are actually stopping thousands from having the same opportunity that is available to "their own".
Watching the various politicians on the television and radio defending the position that whilst it is OK for everyday parents to have to put up with ever reducing assistance in special needs for their children, it's perfectly OK for a Government Minister (who can afford it of course) to pay for a proper standard of care for her children's needs.
In case you missed it, it is they, including the MP involved, who are removing the same opportunities from the rest of us.
It makes me sick. They all make me sick.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Talking of Hypocrisy ..................
There is one thing that we shouldn't take seriously, and that is the rubbish that these newspapers write.
Link to Pub Philosopher: Nowt to do with us, guv! (2
Prisoners on the run
Director general Phil Wheatley said there was not an accurate system in place to count the numbers recaptured after absconding.
Apparently this "astonishing" admission has put fresh pressure on Home Secretary John Reid.
I very much doubt that, in case anyone has yet to notice, NOBODY in this bankrupt Government cares.
Whatever happened to the missing foreign prisoners, nothing, what will happen with these missing prisoners, nothing.
The premature release of more than 1,000 foreign prisoners who were due to be deported led to the sacking last year of Charles Clarke, Dr Reid's predecessor as Home Secretary.
Dr Reid told the Commons Home Affairs Committee last month that the loophole which allowed the releases had now been closed. But he admitted more than 300 wrongly released prisoners, including one murderer, were still free.
The new row comes 24 hours after Derbyshire Chief Constable David Coleman refused to release pictures of two escaped murderers amid fears it might breach their human rights.
See. So what if people are being robbed, assaulted even murdered by people who should still be under lock and key, that doesn't matter to these people. What's the worst that could happen, a few more stories in the papers, an article on the television, soothing words, then nothing, business as usual.
And what of the opposition parties:
Tory Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: 'The chaos in the Prison Service continues under John Reid. It is outrageous that the Government does not even know how many prisoners are on the run.
'Yet again the public are put at very serious risk by this Government's incompetence.'
And Liberal Democrat Shadow Home Secretary Nick Clegg said: 'It is really yet another symptom of the Government's self-inflicted overcrowding crisis in our prisons.'
Well there we are, that's telling them, that will have some impact on Government policy.
Nothing should surprise any of us anymore, the way things are going, this time next year we may well look back to now and think, we never had it so good.
Prison boss confesses: I don't know how many inmates are on the run
MORE Government Hypocrisy
THE child of a cabinet minister, who used to be a key part of Tony Blair’s education team, is to be sent to a £15,000-a-year private school.
The child, who is understood to have dyslexia and could not be named for legal reasons, is going to the home counties school because it is understood the child’s parents feel that their youngster’s needs cannot be adequately dealt with within the state sector.
During the minister’s time spent working in the education team, the government was criticised for closing a number of special needs schools, arguing that such children’s needs could be adequately met in regular state schools.
Of course it is only right that any caring parent should do the very best for their child, but these are the same people who are telling everyone else that the service provided is totally acceptable, just not for them.
What message does this send to the parents of other children with special needs who have not got £15000 a year to spend?
What is the difference between a Dictatorship,in which the favoured few have access to the very best whilst the rest of the population are forced to put up with ever diminishing and failing services, and the present Government of this country?
No it's not a joke, really, what is the difference?
Privacy cloak for minister who sends child to fee school
UK terror threat of 100 British Muslims fighting in Iraq war
Now the security service is preparing for a 'backwash' of highly trained guerrilla fighters returning to Britain.
"Immigration officials in Britain and across Europe are being warned to be on the lookout for returning fighters,' the source said.
"These people have knowledge of weapons and are prepared to use them. They are also potential recruiters for a new generation of terrorists."
I'm sure I'm losing the plot here, these people go to Iraq, fight against their own army, i.e. the British, fight against their own allies, i.e. the Americans and then can come back here to live with impunity.
I know the idea of one nation is somewhat outmoded but come on, this is just bloody stupid.
Anyone who fights against our army has to be considered as fighting against us all, and if they are British then they are traitors and should be treated accordingly.
Otherwise, what's the bloody point?
UK terror threat of 100 British Muslims fighting in Iraq war
Friday, January 05, 2007
Same sex marriage - for it or against it, you WILL accept it!
The reason for this is that the guild decided to ask members to sign a statement of religious belief.Similar groups have been accused of discrimination against non-Christians and gay people. The union is seeking a judicial review at the High Court.
I think that the fact that only white, Christian, straight people are not allowed to group together with similar people, whilst everyone else can have hundreds if not thousands of organisations that by their very title exclude the rest of us, is outrageous and should no longer be tolerated.
We are only 5 days into 2007 and already the thought police have intruded into so many things that I know things will definitely get far worse before they get better, if they get better.
From the BBC website
Christian students in legal fight
and from Cranmer:
EU: ‘Accept same-sex marriage or face expulsion’
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Enough is enough!
I was born in Salford which at the time was Lancashire, now of course part of Greater Manchester. My parents owned a terraced house in a road that was two away from my Mother's Aunt, and four roads away from her Mother. To walk to either my Great Aunt's house, or my Grandparents house took less than 5 minutes and we visited on a daily or certainly weekly basis.
At school I knew huge numbers of other children who had the same circumstances with their parents family living in close proximity to each other.
The extended family was commonplace and that is how most of my generation grew up. Indeed, whilst I no longer live "up North", my parents still live about 5 minutes away from one of my brothers and his family.
In my childhood, discipline came from within the family, the old adage of the child being told off at school leading to even more trouble from ones parents was certainly true.
But more importantly was the feeling of not letting your parents down, the idea of answering back was unthinkable, respect was the order of the day both inside and outside the family.
What caused the change in society, well who knows? I certainly have my suspicions, and these ar being borne out as time goes on, but that is for another day. I certainly still know a lot of people who have the same close knit families, the same sense of family values and who provide the same framework for discipline as they always did. Perhaps standards are what has changed, and what might be interpreted as lack of respect by some, may just be seen as a natural reaction to the changes in society by others.
So what is it that has made my blood boil?
My attention was drawn to the comments section of the Guardian Unlimited and an article by somebody called Sarfraz Manzoor.
In the article, we are informed that perhaps it is we, the "white society" (sic) that should integrate into Muslim values; to whit
"It is easy to dismiss Muslim parents as old-fashioned and traditional, but when the rest of the country is busy wondering how to respond to a culture of rampant disrespect, it is worth considering whether they could learn from Muslim values. Muslim children are more likely to be brought up in two-parent families rather than the single-parent households that are increasingly common in Britain."
"For example, when I was growing up there was no possibility of answering back to my parents, and this was accompanied by an all-pervasive fear of letting them down. This was a model of parenting that put great faith in deference."
""The right to be in a multicultural society," argued the prime minister in a speech last month, "was always implicitly balanced by a duty to integrate, to be part of Britain." Behind these remarks was an assumption that integration is a one-way street. However, there are many things that the rest of the country could learn from Muslims."
He further explains that not only can we whites learn from Muslim values, but also that where individual Muslims are no longer living up to his values for Muslim society, the fault lies with, yes you've guessed it, white society:
"Whether the danger is religious extremism, drugs or crime, those involved are largely third-generation Muslims who are so integrated into white society that they are emulating its worst characteristics. Integration did not save them, it created them."
My family has lived in this country for generations without ever feeling the need to have our values checked by anyone. Despite media propaganda, there are still a lot of places in this country that have relatively low levels of immigration, and contrary to current urban myths, rubbish collection, toilet cleaning, working at McDonald's, sweeping the streets, hell, even Estate Agency is carried out by local British workers with no assistance from outside.
This is a great country filled with great people. We have a history of achievement, of great advancements, a society that on the whole is still populated with people who deep down have the same values as when I was growing up.
We don't need telling what to do, or how to live our lives, we don't need to have groups and religions telling us where we have being going wrong, where we are going wrong and what we need to do to make things better. We have managed thus far without you and I know we will get along just fine in the future.
Up until a few years ago I had never bothered with politics. Sure, I voted at most elections but never paid more than a passing interest, mainly how much tax I was going to have to pay and what was in the budget.
Immigration and multiculturalism has changed all that. Now I find that the common values that have stood me and my family and friends in good stead are wrong, at least that is what the likes of Sarfraz Manzoor would have us believe.
My views and those of people like me are not wrong, we are not bigots or racists, we do not dislike other people because of who they are, because of the colour of their skin or their religious views. That we leave to others such as Sarfraz Manzoor, Nu Labour, The Conservatives, The Liberal Democrats,Ken Livingston, members of Black Association this, or Black Association that, Muslim this or Muslim that, Equality group for this, Equality group for that, the Main Stream Media sleaze merchants, anyone who tells us that we live in areas that are hideously white, the big businesses that want to have cheap labour at any costs, the minority groups who want to undermine the whole of society so that they can push through their own agenda.
These are the racists, these are the bigots. These are the people who gave me no choice in how I wanted society to be.
Had they asked me, and the tens of millions like me, whether or not we wanted this so called enriched society in which our own traditions, values and beliefs would be so freely rubbished by all comers, then my answer, our answer would have been no, no, no.
So to Mr Sarfraz Manzoor, The Guardian, and all the rest of the people that have used their position and authority to abuse me and people like me I say this, I am the common man, and I have had enough.
Britain should integrate into Muslim values