Fury as bishops back Iran
The Roman Catholic bishop who oversees the armed forces has provoked fury by praising the Iranian leadership for its "forgiveness" and "act of mercy" in freeing the 15 British sailors and marines last week.
The Bishop of the Forces, the Rt Rev Tom Burns, said that the religious beliefs of the Iranians had played a large part in their decision to release the hostages after holding them for more than two weeks.
Bishop Burns said he had issued an appeal to Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, "in the name of his nation and in the name of Islam", to free the sailors and marines, but he could not be sure whether his appeal had reached the authorities in Iran.
He added that the Iranian's Islamic faith shared many religious values with Christianity. "Over the past two weeks, there has been a unity of purpose between Britain and Iran, whereby everyone has sought justice and forgiveness where that is appropriate," he said.
A unity of purpose between Britain and Iran? Does that extend then to Britain wishing to blow Israel off the face of the earth? Is this one of the many values that Christianity share with sections of the Islamic faith? The illegal seizure and contravention of the Geneva convention, the tying up, blindfolding and threatening of personnel is justice?
His words were echoed by a leading Anglican figure, the Right Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the Bishop of Rochester, who said Iran had acted within the "moral and spiritual tradition of their country" and contrasted this with Britain's "free-floating attitudes".
The Roman Catholic bishop who oversees the armed forces has provoked fury by praising the Iranian leadership for its "forgiveness" and "act of mercy" in freeing the 15 British sailors and marines last week.
The Bishop of the Forces, the Rt Rev Tom Burns, said that the religious beliefs of the Iranians had played a large part in their decision to release the hostages after holding them for more than two weeks.
Bishop Burns said he had issued an appeal to Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, "in the name of his nation and in the name of Islam", to free the sailors and marines, but he could not be sure whether his appeal had reached the authorities in Iran.
He added that the Iranian's Islamic faith shared many religious values with Christianity. "Over the past two weeks, there has been a unity of purpose between Britain and Iran, whereby everyone has sought justice and forgiveness where that is appropriate," he said.
A unity of purpose between Britain and Iran? Does that extend then to Britain wishing to blow Israel off the face of the earth? Is this one of the many values that Christianity share with sections of the Islamic faith? The illegal seizure and contravention of the Geneva convention, the tying up, blindfolding and threatening of personnel is justice?
His words were echoed by a leading Anglican figure, the Right Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the Bishop of Rochester, who said Iran had acted within the "moral and spiritual tradition of their country" and contrasted this with Britain's "free-floating attitudes".
Do these people not pay attention to what is going on around the world? Are they not aware of the extermination of Christians that is taking place in so many countries and regions that are under militant and extremist control? What about the Pope's Easter message:
".........terrorism and kidnapping of people, of the thousand faces of violence which some people attempt to justify in the name of religion, of contempt for life, of the violation of human rights and the exploitation of persons."
The Government, the media, the BBC, the Senior Officers in the Armed Services, the MOD and the Church; isn't there anyone who has the patriotism and courage of their convictions to stand up for Britain and Christianity anymore?
Fury as bishops back Iran
The Government, the media, the BBC, the Senior Officers in the Armed Services, the MOD and the Church; isn't there anyone who has the patriotism and courage of their convictions to stand up for Britain and Christianity anymore?
Fury as bishops back Iran
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