The MP for Dagenham, east London, where the BNP won 11 council seats last year, said the BNP was "thriving" in some poor areas - particularly former Labour heartlands, where it was positioning itself as an alternative to the main parties. The BNP is thriving in plenty of areas, many of which are not poor at all as I am sure will be shown in the upcoming elections.
"The BNP is attempting to capitalise on peoples feelings of insecurity," he said.
Hmm, I wonder where this insecurity comes from?
"We have less than a month to convince people that the BNP represent a very real threat to communities and they should not be considered as a viable alternative to the mainstream parties or even to register a protest vote."
A threat to communities. I'm sorry Mr Cruddas but very few people are listening to you and your kind anymore. Why would we be interested in anything you have to say. We have had 10 years of Nu Labour during which time you could easily have convinced us that there is no viable alternative to your party by improving the country rather than turning it into the depraved lawless s&*t hole that it now is.
No, we have seen what it is to be run by Nu Labour, we have heard from both the other main parties that we could expect more of the same from them.
All this thugs, racist, sleaze anti-British crap you and your kind continue to spout doesn't wash anymore.
In the words of an honorable politician and patriot to his country:
"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."
Your time is up.
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