Monday, April 02, 2007

Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims

As part of the continued downward spiral of educational standards it should come as no shock to find that the latest casualty is history lessons. What does come as a shock though is that this time it is not just a matter of dumbing down the lessons and adjusting the emphasis so as to marginalise the majority indigenous population in favour of glorious integration policies.

This time, schools are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils, because some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity for fear of upsetting students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial.

Now whilst I understand that history can be somewhat subjective, are we to now assume that those schools and teachers involved agree with the historical detail of the holocaust or not?

Because if the curriculum looks at the second world war and does not mention the holocaust, then guess what, you are denying it.

Perhaps those teachers who support the dropping of historical facts from the curriculum should be reminded that Holocaust Denial is a criminal offence in the following European countries punishable by the associated sentences:

Austria: 6 months - 20 years
Belgium: Fine - 1 year
Czech Republic: 6 months - 2 years
France: Fine or 1 month - 2 years
Germany: Fine or 1 month- 5 years
Israel: 1 year - 5 years
Italy (law against racial discrimination): 3 years - 4 years
Lithuania: Fine or 2 years -10 years
Poland: Fine or 3 months - 3 years, Romania: 6 months or 3-5 years

With extradition treaties between all European states, and groups pressing for Holocaust Denial to become an EU wide offence, let us hope that these teachers find it in themselves to have the "courage" to tell the truth regardless of how inconvenient it may be lest they find themselves with the conviction instead.

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