Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ordinary Citizen

A bit pressed for time today so I am posting an interesting piece off a political website. (Let me know if not ok)

I feel it sums up the views of many many people.

"A Daily Mirror reader has had an interesting and in our opinion, accurate letter printed in that newspaper - which, as we all know, is currently engaged in campaigning against the BNP on behalf of the Labour Party. On a point of fact the author of the letter is incorrect on one small point - the Daily Mirror is not owned by a "millionaire" (the thief, Robert Maxwell is long gone - thank goodness) but by the largely foreign-owned Trinity Mirror Group - yes - the Daily Mirror and the scores of local newspapers owned by that financially struggling group, is largely foreign owned!

The Letter.

Let’s face it Ros, this "campaign" is a very wispy smoke screen to cover a direct attack on the BNP and its policies just before the May elections.As such it is the type of subterfuge to get around the rules on election expenditure which we have come to expect from Nu Labour and its supporters i.e. although it’s an abuse of the spirit of the law it does not quite break it!

Your multimillionaire and Labour supporting publisher (who controls your copy through his control of who is editor) knows Labour has lost the trust of whole swathes of the white working class who predominantly make up the Mirrors readership.
They also know much of this support has gone to the BNP rather than the Liberals or the Tories, so he is using his ability to buy influence (i.e. the resources of this paper) to attack both individual members of the BNP like Nick Griffin and the party itself in this campaigns handout.

All hate and no hope there then!

It is therefore farcical to claim shock or indignation when the BNP point out the hollowness of your message in their opinion.Why didn't you offer a link to their response so that readers could decide for themselves?

Because you are afraid of allowing people to make there own mind up, rather than having you filter it and put your own spin as usual?

Please no nonsense about not wanting to promote hate, that excuse has well past its sell by date I am afraid.

Really, it’s about time you realised we ordinary people are not as gullible as we once unfortunately were. We just don’t trust you anymore, because you have proven false time after time.

Just take a long hard look at who actually attends your events; the only ordinary people you will find are there for the freebies, not because they share your beliefs, so stop kidding yourselves.

The British people are very angry and getting more so by the day, not with immigrants, asylum seekers or the BNP, but with the likes of you who have brought this country to an all time low and insist we should be grateful.

Maybe someday you can explain to the mothers of the child groomer’s victims up north how their children were selected because the perpetrators were "poor" and that the fact that none of the victims were Muslim was for the same reason.

Maybe you can explain to the school leaver who is best qualified for the job that his grandfather and father had that he can't have it because he is a native Britain and it must go to someone of another race who is less qualified because of "positive" discrimination and quotas.

Maybe you can explain why it is not raciest to imply that because they are mostly white an organisation the police is incapable of dealing fairly with other racial groups in their communities and needs lots of "ethnic" recruits but it would be raciest for a mainly white neighbourhood to ask for a white bobby.

Maybe you can explain why it’s still common for mainly white old people to have their care home shut, to freeze to death or to starve on a hospital ward because there is "no money" to keep it open, fund their heating bill (or explain how to claim the grant) or have someone to feed them so they don't choke.

But there is money to house thousands of asylum seekers and economic migrants, print government leaflets in every language under the sun (and fund translation services) and treat African Nationals with Aid’s for £250,000 a pop.

You don’t get more hateful than allowing your own old to die as far as most people are concerned, especially when you have the tax money and CHOOSE to spend it elsewhere.

Truly if anyone displays hatred it is those who perpetuate or support myths about the BNP. They create a climate in which people who do not share your views face violence and intimidation not for what they actually say or do but because of what campaigns like this say about them.

Oh, and if you ever want to see a baying mob, spitting, hurling abuse and desperate to attack people because they dare to be different from what the mob feels acceptable try watching an ANTI BNP demo, that is pure mindless hate at its worst as many a policeman would testify if his job were not on the line.

Still let’s try and remain positive.

At least the shrinking band of well healed mostly white middle class multiculturalists you represent are increasingly seen by both the native population and the disparate bands of other races as increasingly irrelevant. It is we as separate and unique cultural groups who will have to work to create the future, not those who seek to paper over the fault lines they have created purely out of a hatred of this countries people and culture.

Now I know that you will not put this up (although you may edit it to suit your ends), so why did I bother writing it. Well in the spirit of Hope, all be it a probably very forlorn one, that you will realize you are the problem not the solution.

That your creed is as about as raciest as it gets, because it is so anti the ordinary people of these lands and their right to a space of their own to practice their ancient culture that it fails to see its own hypocrisy.

You support the claims of Aborigines in Australia, Native Americans but not the British – mad when you think about it!"

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