Des Browne, speaking for the first time since the row, said with hindsight he could have done things differently and said "ultimately, the buck stops here".
And ..... what now?
There was a time when taking responsibility meant actually just that, when the phrase "the buck stops here" preceded some sort of serious action and in all probability the resignation of the said individual.
Sadly, as with everything that is NU Labour, the usual conventions do not apply. Time and again they come on the television, apologise that things are not as they should be, tell us that lessons will be learnt and then go back to their troughs and produce more of the same.
As for Mr Cameron, we now hear what he thinks about the Government and MOD's initial decision to let the sailors sell their story. I guess we would have heard from him earlier but I suspect it took a couple of days for his focus groups to let him know what his opinion was.
Mr Browne is due to make a statement on Monday: for his handling of this debacle and for his complicity in the deaths of all our servicemen I hope he resigns, but I won't hold my breath.
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