Friday, April 13, 2007
BBC - What a fu%$*&g disgrace
The sketch climaxed with "Ollie" bending "Stan" over and buggering him. When their wives turned up apparently "Ollie's" penis was stuck inside "Stan's" arse and it's removal was accompanied by a cork popping sound.
Having been a fan of Laurel and Hardy all my life I am disgusted by this utter s*&t.
Having not heard much from Harry Enfield recently, I can honestly say that I hope I never hear from this c%$t again.
Congratulations to all who contributed to this depravity, just when you thought the BBC had plumbed the depths they show their utter contempt for decency.
Labour election fraud
I am always amused when the main parties presume to lecture everyone on the criminality of a certain party without ever providing proof.
Fortunately there is a handy resource which lists the countless members and representatives of their parties that have committed offences, and in many cases very serious ones indeed.
It can be found here: Liars, Buggers and Thieves
It will be interesting to see whether this years elections will be free and fair or whether Nu Labour will continue to live up to it's reputation as the party that would disgrace a banana republic.
Labour election fraud ‘would disgrace a banana republic’
Thursday, April 12, 2007
They died proudly serving their country.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
News feed
Whilst it is depressing to know that each day you get up and look at the news you find what may be considered another nail in the coffin of this once great country, it is heart warming to see that not all is lost:
Sanctimonious MP should look at his own party in racism debate

It's a bit rich of sanctimonious MP Andrew Dismore to lecture us all about racism when his New Labour Government has presided over the biggest rise in racial tensions that this country has ever seen.
The mass influx of hapless immigrants coming to the UK to find work are being cynically exploited by this government, not only as voting fodder to keep Labour permanently in power, but also as slave labour to suit New Labour's greedy and ruthless capitalist friends.
We only have to remember the Chinese cockle pickers, who died as a result of Labour's lack of protection for immigrant workers, to know who the real racists in our country are.
Incidentally, the anti-white racism and anti-Christian abuse in Britain today has resulted in a terrifying situation. The indigenous population and Christians in particular are now completely alienated, demoralised and discriminated against in their own country.
When New Labour came to power, there were only a handful of British National Party councillors and now there are more than 50.
So much for Mr Dismore and his so-called anti-racist' party.
Sarah Baxter
The buck stops with me.... now move on.

Des Browne, speaking for the first time since the row, said with hindsight he could have done things differently and said "ultimately, the buck stops here".
And ..... what now?
There was a time when taking responsibility meant actually just that, when the phrase "the buck stops here" preceded some sort of serious action and in all probability the resignation of the said individual.
Sadly, as with everything that is NU Labour, the usual conventions do not apply. Time and again they come on the television, apologise that things are not as they should be, tell us that lessons will be learnt and then go back to their troughs and produce more of the same.
As for Mr Cameron, we now hear what he thinks about the Government and MOD's initial decision to let the sailors sell their story. I guess we would have heard from him earlier but I suspect it took a couple of days for his focus groups to let him know what his opinion was.
Mr Browne is due to make a statement on Monday: for his handling of this debacle and for his complicity in the deaths of all our servicemen I hope he resigns, but I won't hold my breath.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
BBC News? Is there any point?
Police have launched an investigation after violent clashes involving up to 200 people outside a mosque.
The clashes, which lasted five hours, followed tensions among people who use the mosque and is the second such incident in two years, police said.
Reading the story, it is very difficult to understand quite what is going on. Is it reporting that a group of Mosque - goers were attacked and the police are calling on the local community for calm OR is it that disparate groups of muslims engaged in fighting outside the Mosque for the second time in two years and the police are asking the muslim community for calm and good sense?
The answer would be easy if the BBC actually carried out it's role as a news service rather than a propaganda ministry.
Time will tell.
Monday, April 09, 2007
What a farce!
Defence Secretary Des Browne said the Navy had faced a "very tough call" over its decision to allow the sailors among the 15 hostages to take payments in return for their accounts - the first of which were published today.
But he said everyone concerned recognised it had "not reached a satisfactory outcome" and lessons must be learned from a review of procedures ordered by the Ministry of Defence.
"I want to be sure those charged with these difficult decisions have clear guidance for the future," he said in his first comment on the controversy.
Clear guidance ....... NuLAbour........ Yet another example of Government by spin and focus groups.
You just couldn't make this lot up.
Labour 'facing large BNP challenge'

The MP for Dagenham, east London, where the BNP won 11 council seats last year, said the BNP was "thriving" in some poor areas - particularly former Labour heartlands, where it was positioning itself as an alternative to the main parties. The BNP is thriving in plenty of areas, many of which are not poor at all as I am sure will be shown in the upcoming elections.
"The BNP is attempting to capitalise on peoples feelings of insecurity," he said.
Hmm, I wonder where this insecurity comes from?
"We have less than a month to convince people that the BNP represent a very real threat to communities and they should not be considered as a viable alternative to the mainstream parties or even to register a protest vote."
A threat to communities. I'm sorry Mr Cruddas but very few people are listening to you and your kind anymore. Why would we be interested in anything you have to say. We have had 10 years of Nu Labour during which time you could easily have convinced us that there is no viable alternative to your party by improving the country rather than turning it into the depraved lawless s&*t hole that it now is.
No, we have seen what it is to be run by Nu Labour, we have heard from both the other main parties that we could expect more of the same from them.
All this thugs, racist, sleaze anti-British crap you and your kind continue to spout doesn't wash anymore.
In the words of an honorable politician and patriot to his country:
"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."
Your time is up.
There all at it now!

The Roman Catholic bishop who oversees the armed forces has provoked fury by praising the Iranian leadership for its "forgiveness" and "act of mercy" in freeing the 15 British sailors and marines last week.
The Bishop of the Forces, the Rt Rev Tom Burns, said that the religious beliefs of the Iranians had played a large part in their decision to release the hostages after holding them for more than two weeks.
Bishop Burns said he had issued an appeal to Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, "in the name of his nation and in the name of Islam", to free the sailors and marines, but he could not be sure whether his appeal had reached the authorities in Iran.
He added that the Iranian's Islamic faith shared many religious values with Christianity. "Over the past two weeks, there has been a unity of purpose between Britain and Iran, whereby everyone has sought justice and forgiveness where that is appropriate," he said.
A unity of purpose between Britain and Iran? Does that extend then to Britain wishing to blow Israel off the face of the earth? Is this one of the many values that Christianity share with sections of the Islamic faith? The illegal seizure and contravention of the Geneva convention, the tying up, blindfolding and threatening of personnel is justice?
His words were echoed by a leading Anglican figure, the Right Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the Bishop of Rochester, who said Iran had acted within the "moral and spiritual tradition of their country" and contrasted this with Britain's "free-floating attitudes".
Do these people not pay attention to what is going on around the world? Are they not aware of the extermination of Christians that is taking place in so many countries and regions that are under militant and extremist control? What about the Pope's Easter message:
The Government, the media, the BBC, the Senior Officers in the Armed Services, the MOD and the Church; isn't there anyone who has the patriotism and courage of their convictions to stand up for Britain and Christianity anymore?
Fury as bishops back Iran
Sunday, April 08, 2007
The Rt Rev Tom Butler, the Bishop of Southwark apologises for terrorist activities of Islamic extremists.

The Rt Rev Tom Butler, the Bishop of Southwark, said that mistakes in the Government's foreign policy had damaged society and radicalised Muslims, leaving them alienated and resentful.
The frightening thing about 7/7 is that they seemed to be ordinary young men from Leeds who didn't look to be fanaticals, but they'd become sufficiently alienated to take this action.
Hmm, no money so driven to petty larceny maybe. Late for work so decided to break the speed limit perhaps. Unhappy with Government foreign policy so take explosives and place them in buses and trains to blow up and decapitate fellow citizens to make a point? NO!
Thank God the rest of the population that absolutely detests this NU Labour dictatorship are more able to control ourselves!
When is the Leadership of the Church of England going to wise up? Is this what passes for moral guidance in their opinion?
The number of people attending Church of England services in this country is in decline, it isn't hard to see why.
Iraq invasion fuelled 7/7 anger, says bishop
Curious incident in the night leaves Bishop of Southwark with black eye and sore head
Navy 15 to sell story.
The 15 Navy personnel captured by the Iranians were thankfully released unharmed. People have expressed differing views of their conduct ranging from their actions being seen as heroic through to cowardly.
Whatever their actions were, a professional armed service described by Senior Officers as the "best in the world" should not have serving Officers and enlisted men behaving as cheap celebrities from a reality TV show.
I understand that not all of the sailors and marines intend to receive payment for their story and I commend this position.
To any who do and keep the money, shame on you. Shame on your Senior Officers, shame on the MOD and most importantly shame on Blair and this bankrupt administration for bringing disgrace to this nation.
Friday, April 06, 2007
The end of the world?
Anyway, it turns out that the intergovernmental panel on climate change have found out that the public has already put to much CO2 into the atmosphere to stop global warming.
It appears that Governments must take control of the situation in order to protect the public.
Apparently the way forward is for the Government to introduce additional controls on the public.
In addition, the Government needs to introduce a lot of new taxes, paid for by the public.
Released sailors tell of ordeal

We are glad to have them back. To all those people on various blogs and comment pages who have congratulated the Iranians for the way they behaved during this incident and the way in which they treated the captives, I hope you pay close attention.
The same sort of rhetoric that came from Iran allowing you to feel so secure in your cosy world where there are no bad people just "misunderstood ones" has been shown for what it is.
Everyday the threat from these groups grows stronger and stronger and yet you act as apologists and sympathisers for their cause.
Throughout the Middle East barbaric acts are being carried out; men, women and children are being murdered on a daily basis and you apologise and say it is because the perpetrators have themselves been treated badly, are misunderstood, it is not their fault .......... and so on.
Perhaps this incident and the glaring differences between the Iranian account and the account of the victims will finally open your eyes to what is going on.
You are no longer just misguided, you are no longer just an embarrassment to the rest of us, in the war against terrorism, you are traitors.
Iranian Ordeal
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Democracy my arse!
Politicians from all parties have put their differences aside in a bid to oppose the far-right British National Party.
All parties except the BNP presumably?
At a meeting in the Glamorgan Muslim Community Centre, Aberkenfig, near Bridgend, on Saturday, politicians including Environment Minister and Bridgend AM Carwyn Jones and Plaid Cymru candidate Bethan Jenkins pledged their commitment to tackling discrimination against ethnic minorities.
What about discrimination against ethnic majorities?
The Bridgend Unite Against Fascism Group, which organised the gathering, believes the BNP is a racist party which poses a threat to democracy and freedom.
Aha, that clears it all up then. What poses a threat to democracy and freedom? Is it a legally constituted party that behaves at all times in a democratic way by campaigning on the issues and seeking election with a mandate from the people? Or is the threat to democracy from groups who have already severely restricted freedom of speech, groups who subvert the election process by attempting to intimidate law abiding members of the public who are going about their lawful right to campaign for any legal party they wish to?
Who are these people to force their undemocratic views on the people in the name of democracy? Anyone who attempts to take away people's right to participate in free and fair elections has no right whatsoever to claim they stand against facism, let alone for freedom and democracy.
If the BNP is a racist party which poses a threat to democracy and freedom then I am sure that no one will vote for them.
That is democracy, that is freedom.
Unite against freedom
Greens want to axe Catholic schools.
The party, who hope to win at least 10 seats at Holyrood, have included moves for Catholic schools to be integrated into a secular state system in their manifesto.
Green leader Robin Harper claimed that having separate schools "tends to divide communities".
He said: "Catholic children, for most of their time in primary and secondary, do not mix with other children.
"And children who are non-Catholics do not, because the Catholics are educated separately, tend to mix so much with them.
A spokesman for the Catholic Church said: "It is unfortunate that the Greens want to trample on the rights of Catholic parents and the thousands of other parents who aren't Catholics but choose a Catholic education for their kids.
"This is an outrageous proposal."
Mr Harper is of course entitled to his views as are his party. However, I am always intrigued when people of this nature choose to be selective regarding who they criticise. Why single out Catholic schools? Why not call for the abolition of certain other religious schools? After all, to my knowledge there is only one faith that is in the process of opening more faith schools. Where are the Greens calls for their abolition?
Apart from attacking an established church in Britain, what else does the Green party have in mind?
Apart from the scrapping of improvements to transport infrastructure in Scotland in the name of "global warming", the Greens oppose the way young people have been "demonised" using anti-social behaviour powers and are robustly on the side of civil liberties and asylum seekers.
Shiona Baird, the Greens' co-convener, said: "If you have voted Green in the past, there could be no more important time to do so again. If you are voting for the first time, or considering voting Green for the first time, I urge you to back our vision for a socially just and internationally responsible Scotland."
"Socially just"; provided you fit in with their vision and are not from the wrong religious group is that?
Typical day in London.

The battle of Primark
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Navy personnel to be released from captivity.
I have already read on several comments pages on the MSM and on several blogs that this act vindicates Blair's Governments cowardly stance on the whole affair.
Maybe we will truly continue to see peace in our time through appeasement and the rewarding of terrorists and rogue states. Who knows what is in the wind, 25 years since the Falklands and new calls for a return of the Malvinas to Argentina along with the "renegotiation" of ownership of oil rights in the region.
Britain under Blair and Nu Labour has become like a wounded animal, let's hope that are friends in the EU can keep the wolves at bay!
After all, with 80 odd percent of our laws coming from them and such a large net contribution from our economy, I am sure they will be only too pleased to speak up and act on our behalf, just like they did during this latest crisis. Didn't they?
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Police priorities!
The North Wales Police State?
Reduced crime risk continued........
Figures reveal that no charges were brought by West Mercia Constabulary against 93 sex offenders - including eight rapists - between April 1 2001 and March 31 2006.
Instead of going to court, they were given a caution.
According to a police spokeswoman, "West Mercia Constabulary is committed to bringing offenders to justice and protecting members of the public. "
Cautions were given for 41 indecent assaults, eight rapes, 17 sexual assaults, nine sexual activity cases (including with a child), one gross indecency with a child, six unlawful sexual intercourse cases and 11 other sexual offences.
The spokeswoman continued. "When an individual accepts a caution, it is important to remember that a person must admit wrongdoing in order to receive a caution and it represents an admission of guilt."
A caution for rape, a caution for gross indecency with a child ... protecting members of the public...... is it me or is there something not quite compatible about the two statements?
I have always supported the police in the past, but when I read things like this I truly believe that they are wasting their time. They may as well disband and let everyone spend their tax money on their own personal security. At least that way someone will genuinely be concerned for their safety.
NU Labour's police service, to protect and serve .... but who?
Modern policing
Public fearful despite reduced crime risk!
I look forward to the day that Nu Labour announces that crime has totally been eradicated in the UK.
Anyway, despite all the NU Labour lies regarding crime statistics, such is the failure of their spin machine these days, it appears that they are struggling to fool many of the people:
Three-quarters of people believe Britain is more dangerous today than it was five years ago, a survey has found.
In a blow for the Government, more than half of the public say they are so scared of yobs and crime they avoid certain areas, and four out of ten will not go out at night on foot.
Four out of ten have become so worried they have beefed up their home security.
Alarmingly, some 61 per cent felt frightened of being alone at home during the night - with 14 per cent hiding a weapon close to the bed.
Welcome to Blair's Britain - tough on the victims of crime.
Since 1998, Violence against the person is up 111 per cent - from 502,788 incidents to 1,059,913 last year.
Sexual offences are up 72 per cent from 36,174 to 62,081. And robbery is up 47 per cent - from 66,835 crimes to 98,204.
Crime is up, the prisons are full, taxes are up, the national health service is in terminal decline, unemployment is rising, housing shortage continues to affect the British population, utility bills are out of control.
Still, as far as NU Labour is concerned we have all benefited from multicultural enrichment so I guess we've never had it so good.
Nu Labour, what a bunch of lying c*&%s.
Nu Labour failure
Monday, April 02, 2007
Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims

Belgium: Fine - 1 year
Czech Republic: 6 months - 2 years
France: Fine or 1 month - 2 years
Germany: Fine or 1 month- 5 years
Israel: 1 year - 5 years
Italy (law against racial discrimination): 3 years - 4 years
Lithuania: Fine or 2 years -10 years
Poland: Fine or 3 months - 3 years, Romania: 6 months or 3-5 years
With extradition treaties between all European states, and groups pressing for Holocaust Denial to become an EU wide offence, let us hope that these teachers find it in themselves to have the "courage" to tell the truth regardless of how inconvenient it may be lest they find themselves with the conviction instead.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Ordinary Citizen
I feel it sums up the views of many many people.
"A Daily Mirror reader has had an interesting and in our opinion, accurate letter printed in that newspaper - which, as we all know, is currently engaged in campaigning against the BNP on behalf of the Labour Party. On a point of fact the author of the letter is incorrect on one small point - the Daily Mirror is not owned by a "millionaire" (the thief, Robert Maxwell is long gone - thank goodness) but by the largely foreign-owned Trinity Mirror Group - yes - the Daily Mirror and the scores of local newspapers owned by that financially struggling group, is largely foreign owned!
The Letter.
Let’s face it Ros, this "campaign" is a very wispy smoke screen to cover a direct attack on the BNP and its policies just before the May elections.As such it is the type of subterfuge to get around the rules on election expenditure which we have come to expect from Nu Labour and its supporters i.e. although it’s an abuse of the spirit of the law it does not quite break it!
Your multimillionaire and Labour supporting publisher (who controls your copy through his control of who is editor) knows Labour has lost the trust of whole swathes of the white working class who predominantly make up the Mirrors readership.
They also know much of this support has gone to the BNP rather than the Liberals or the Tories, so he is using his ability to buy influence (i.e. the resources of this paper) to attack both individual members of the BNP like Nick Griffin and the party itself in this campaigns handout.
All hate and no hope there then!
It is therefore farcical to claim shock or indignation when the BNP point out the hollowness of your message in their opinion.Why didn't you offer a link to their response so that readers could decide for themselves?
Because you are afraid of allowing people to make there own mind up, rather than having you filter it and put your own spin as usual?
Please no nonsense about not wanting to promote hate, that excuse has well past its sell by date I am afraid.
Really, it’s about time you realised we ordinary people are not as gullible as we once unfortunately were. We just don’t trust you anymore, because you have proven false time after time.
Just take a long hard look at who actually attends your events; the only ordinary people you will find are there for the freebies, not because they share your beliefs, so stop kidding yourselves.
The British people are very angry and getting more so by the day, not with immigrants, asylum seekers or the BNP, but with the likes of you who have brought this country to an all time low and insist we should be grateful.
Maybe someday you can explain to the mothers of the child groomer’s victims up north how their children were selected because the perpetrators were "poor" and that the fact that none of the victims were Muslim was for the same reason.
Maybe you can explain to the school leaver who is best qualified for the job that his grandfather and father had that he can't have it because he is a native Britain and it must go to someone of another race who is less qualified because of "positive" discrimination and quotas.
Maybe you can explain why it is not raciest to imply that because they are mostly white an organisation the police is incapable of dealing fairly with other racial groups in their communities and needs lots of "ethnic" recruits but it would be raciest for a mainly white neighbourhood to ask for a white bobby.
Maybe you can explain why it’s still common for mainly white old people to have their care home shut, to freeze to death or to starve on a hospital ward because there is "no money" to keep it open, fund their heating bill (or explain how to claim the grant) or have someone to feed them so they don't choke.
But there is money to house thousands of asylum seekers and economic migrants, print government leaflets in every language under the sun (and fund translation services) and treat African Nationals with Aid’s for £250,000 a pop.
You don’t get more hateful than allowing your own old to die as far as most people are concerned, especially when you have the tax money and CHOOSE to spend it elsewhere.
Truly if anyone displays hatred it is those who perpetuate or support myths about the BNP. They create a climate in which people who do not share your views face violence and intimidation not for what they actually say or do but because of what campaigns like this say about them.
Oh, and if you ever want to see a baying mob, spitting, hurling abuse and desperate to attack people because they dare to be different from what the mob feels acceptable try watching an ANTI BNP demo, that is pure mindless hate at its worst as many a policeman would testify if his job were not on the line.
Still let’s try and remain positive.
At least the shrinking band of well healed mostly white middle class multiculturalists you represent are increasingly seen by both the native population and the disparate bands of other races as increasingly irrelevant. It is we as separate and unique cultural groups who will have to work to create the future, not those who seek to paper over the fault lines they have created purely out of a hatred of this countries people and culture.
Now I know that you will not put this up (although you may edit it to suit your ends), so why did I bother writing it. Well in the spirit of Hope, all be it a probably very forlorn one, that you will realize you are the problem not the solution.
That your creed is as about as raciest as it gets, because it is so anti the ordinary people of these lands and their right to a space of their own to practice their ancient culture that it fails to see its own hypocrisy.
You support the claims of Aborigines in Australia, Native Americans but not the British – mad when you think about it!"