Up to 200,000 asylum seekers will be allowed to remain in Britain because Home Office officials admit they will never be able to track them down.
The extraordinary amnesty is the latest embarrassment for Home Secretary John Reid, who has staked his reputation on his pledge to make the department 'fit for purpose'.
So says the article in the Daily Mail: Nu Labour Failure - Again
Home Office officials also stated that 18,000 immigrants are set to be deported because they have committed crimes in the UK.
18000 immigrants - a quarter of the prison population, 25%.
A Home Office spokesperson said: "We remain confident that we will be able to clear the entire current legacy of cases by July 2011."
2011 - 4 years from now, and yet still they come!
John Reid has staked his reputation on his pledge to make the department fit for purpose. Where to start! The only reputation Mr Reid has is the one he shares with the rest of the reckless, duplicitous, anti-British traitors and liars that riddle this Government and NU Labour at all levels.
And as for embarrassment, don't make me laugh. When will people wake up to the fact that nothing embarrasses these people; they don't care about what you think of them, they don't care what you think of their policies, they don't care what you think of what they have done to your country, they don't care about you at all, not even the tiniest bit.
Nu Labour may have already caused irreparable damage to this country, and yet where are the voices of opposition? Looking to Cameron or Campbell for any sort of opposition is a total waste of time. They stand idly by as this country is turned into the cesspool of the world.
Is it not enough that we have seen our freedoms severely curtailed, taxes raised to an all time high, waiting times (real waiting times not massaged Government figures) for medical treatment at an all time high, deaths in hospital from super bugs at an all time high, huge numbers of the population unable to get access to a dentist, unemployment (real unemployment not massaged Government figures) at an all time high, crime rates (real crime rates not massaged Government figures) at an all time high, our Armed Forces reduced to third world levels and no longer able to provide the necessary support for our brave service men and women, Health and safety rules beyond all reason, stiffer sentences for dropping a Ginsters wrapper than for committing assault, speeding motorists surcharged to pay for domestic violence teams!, being told to apologise (and pay compensation) for something that came to an end 200 years ago (200 years for f%$#s sake), and many many many other things that have befallen our once great nation.
As a well known man recently said: "I am conscious that when an essential core of our democratic freedom risks being undermined, subsequent generations will hold to account those who were able to raise their voices yet stayed silent."
Where are the voices of opposition?
I'll tell you where, HERE!
I don't think John Reid and co are particularly "embarrassed" about these figures and immigrants. If they were they would do something about it and they would show their shame. They think an extra 200,000(minimum) uninvited possible criminals is a good thing. Although they don't explain how.
To unburden the prison system, all they have to do, is deport the foreign criminals in British prisons now, and stop letting illegal immigrants in every day at the border. If they are prepared to break the law at the border patrol, it is highely likely that they are prepared to break the law once inside the host country too. This makes them not only willing criminals but also undesirables.
Totally true but they have adopted a zero tolerance towards deportation. I wonder how long it will be before amnesty spreads to all illegal immigrants? Maybe in time for the next General Election probably!
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