In what is clearly an act of war against our country, the Iranian government captures 15 British sailors and parades them in front of the camera for all the world to see.

What does Tony Blair do? What can he do? He and his Government have run our armed forces into the ground. The fact that the Iranians snatched the British navy personnel by using small boats does not come as any surprise as due to Tony and the rest, the Iranian navy may well soon be superior to our own.
As for the EU and the UN, what a waste of space they are. As usual, if you are not an "oppressed minority" (in their opinion) then you are not worth sticking up for.
Mr Blair, Government Ministers, main opposition parties in the UK, you are all a complete and utter disgrace.
You have let down the men and women you sent to fight in your name, you have let down the "British" people.
For God's sake go and let this country be run by people who have loyalty to the electorate and the courage and backbone to fight for what is right.
In the coming elections, I for one will be voting for the British National Party as they are the only party that represents the views and rights of the British people; the only party that would not send our troops off on world policing duties in the first place, but if our troops found themselves in this situation, would back them to the hilt.
I will be voting for them; if you care about this country and despair at what you hear on a daily basis, are disgusted by the sheer criminality and contempt shown by our Government towards it's own people, I suggest you do the same.

What does Tony Blair do? What can he do? He and his Government have run our armed forces into the ground. The fact that the Iranians snatched the British navy personnel by using small boats does not come as any surprise as due to Tony and the rest, the Iranian navy may well soon be superior to our own.
As for the EU and the UN, what a waste of space they are. As usual, if you are not an "oppressed minority" (in their opinion) then you are not worth sticking up for.
Mr Blair, Government Ministers, main opposition parties in the UK, you are all a complete and utter disgrace.
You have let down the men and women you sent to fight in your name, you have let down the "British" people.
For God's sake go and let this country be run by people who have loyalty to the electorate and the courage and backbone to fight for what is right.
In the coming elections, I for one will be voting for the British National Party as they are the only party that represents the views and rights of the British people; the only party that would not send our troops off on world policing duties in the first place, but if our troops found themselves in this situation, would back them to the hilt.
I will be voting for them; if you care about this country and despair at what you hear on a daily basis, are disgusted by the sheer criminality and contempt shown by our Government towards it's own people, I suggest you do the same.
An excellent post. This government denudes the armed forces of the tools to do the difficult tasks required of them and then wilfully places them in danger.
I hope I live long enough to see Blair tried as a war criminal.
I am hopeful that the tide is turning and although it may be some way off, Blair and his cronies I believe will eventually be called to account. Not content with placing our armed forces at risk with no real ability to protect themselves as is the case with the 15 Navy personnel and the total failure concerning "snatch landrovers", the forced abandonment of British bases in Iraq ..... the list is endless. On top of this they have also placed the "British" people at risk on a daily basis even to the extent that parents now feel the need to procure stab proof clothing for their children. This country needs strong leadership and an example to be made of all the "liberal loonies" whether in Government, the Judiciary or in senior positions in Public Service.
The army has been completely let down and I agree with what you say in this article. The captives faces show they don't even know what they are doing there. No one has ever told them about the people they are fighting. Not only is the EU an empty hollow but the UN is too. How much do we need the UN and the EU. Not at all.
Interesting update on the situation on the EU referendum site.
The problem these days with so many nationals grouped into so many countries, and a corresponding lack of national pride and spirit it's a wonder anyone knows what anyone is fighting for anymore. Unless it's about the oil, and rich people getting richer, and powerful people getting more power, or something like that. I suppose I'm just being an old cynic again.
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