Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A Taxing Matter - The real cost of Labour Policies

"Hard-pressed families have been forced to hand over almost £120,000 in tax to Gordon Brown since Labour came to power in 1997, new figures reveal.

The Office for National Statistics has found that £70,000 of the money has been raised through direct taxes - such as income tax, national insurance and council tax.
But the remaining £50,000 has been raised through indirect taxes - often dubbed 'stealth' taxes - such as vehicle excise duty, stamp duty and the TV licence fee."

With all this extra money the Government has collected, services must surely be at an all time high. Well ..... no, actually.

"Corin Taylor, Head of Research at the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: "Since Gordon Brown became Chancellor, the average family has effectively written him a cheque for £120,000 with very little to show for it in return."

"Healthcare in this country is still a disgrace, schools are failing and violent crime is out of control because Brown has carelessly thrown cash at everything instead of actually improving services by reforming them. "Politicians like Brown need to understand that people's tolerance for this sort of old-fashioned tax and spend policy is rapidly diminishing. People rightly want to be able to keep more of their own money to spend on their own priorities. "Ordinary families have effectively had to work from 1997 to 2001 for Gordon Brown. Only since 2001 have they been able to work for themselves."

Even those who have kept their head in the sand for the last decade must now finally see the true results of multiculturalism both in terms of financial and social costs.

Throughout 2007 I think we will see more and more evidence of the complete and utter disaster the Government has made of this country, and the true cost of their Marxist policies.

And remember, so far there is no hint of a change to the open door policy within this country, and there are also two more sets of "replacement workers" due to descend on this country over the next few months.

When your local council tells you that they welcome all these new people and how great and enriching this diversity is, ask them why your council tax is going up so much, why services have been reduced and just who is actually benefiting.

I for one think that enough is enough.

It's official .......

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