Monday, December 04, 2006

BBC - Race Crimes.

Reporting on the fact that race crime charges rose by 28% last year, the BBC tells us:

Ken Macdonald QC, Director of Public Prosecutions, said fears of a backlash after the London bombs were unfounded.
He said: "After the 7 July bombings it was feared that there would be a significant backlash against the Muslim community and that we would see a large rise in religiously-aggravated offences.
"The fears of a large rise in offences appear to be unfounded."

The article goes on to give examples of attacks on Muslims giving the impression they are contradicting what Mr Macdonald had to say. Recent statistics have shown what a lot of people already knew, that racially motivated attacks occur within all sectors of the community, both in terms of victims and perpetrators.

My congratulations to the BBC for there continued devotion to community relations and for championing the notion of the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Find the article here.

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